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Marley's POV

"Sara, come on. wake up, please. I need you here." I felt tears springing to my eyes.

We were running away from the campsite. It was all my fault.

I was running too quickly, it was all my fault.

She tripped and hit her head on a boulder, and it was all my fault.

Now she's unconscious, and i'm here alone in the middle of the forest.

I sat with my knees pressed against my chest, My stomach was growling, but i didn't see an animal in site. I had nothing with me but a girl asleep.

I heard an ear-shattering noise coming from up north. It started off high pitched, then relaxed to a groan.

What was that?!

The rumbling stopped, and i looked down at Sara. Her eyes were wide open.

"Sara! Oh my god, oh my-"

I wiped away my tears.

She sat up and squeezed me tight. warmth. I loved it from the girl i loved.

"Did you hear that noise?" I spoke into her ear.

The sun was now rising above our heads.

"Yes, that's what woke me up. We should follow it," She said. Wow, she's so brave.

"I guess so..." I told her. Really, what could possibly go wrong?

So we stood up shakily, and walked toward where we heard the noise.

"Hey, i think i see something!" She said smiling. She sprinted with her head up high, until her feet didn't touch the ground.

A ravine.

I ran over to it and looked down to see if i could find her.

The ravine was so big, i could barely see the bottom of it. Plus, there were no pools of water down there....

Then i saw her, desperately clinging onto the side of a cliff about 10 blocks down. "HELP! MARLEY! HELP ME I'M GOING TO FALL!" She was screaming so loud, i heard the echo reflect off the bottom of the pit.

I quickly broke the grass blocks below me, lowering down to where she was. But i was too late.

Sara's POV

I had a firm grasp on the cliff, until i felt a tug.

Like someone was tugging at my airborne feet.

So i lost my grip, and suddenly felt the sensation of weightlessness. I could feel the air resistance against my back, and my helpless arms swung around looking for something to stop my fall.

My skull bashed against the side of stone, and i continued tumbling down.

My back hit the bottom of the ravine, and broke my arm instantly.

I looked up to Marley looking down at me.

Pain. That's all i felt. I instantly bursted out crying and screaming.

Before i knew it, Marley wasn't there anymore.

Marley's POV

Theres nothing i can do sitting here, so i stood up with letting her know and ran away from the cries and screaming from below.

My heart ached. I had to help her.

As quick as i could, i crafted a shovel and 3 packs of ladders. I could still hear her cries.

I began hitting the grass below me, and building a trail to the bottom of the ravine.

I carried her up the ladders , and layed her on the cold wet grass.

"You're going to be okay. You're safe now," I whispered. But i wasn't too sure she was...

I layed down with her shaking body until sundown. I lfted my head to see something worth a shot.

I saw a witch in the far distance, with her back turned to me.

Slowly, i stood up and walked quietly towards the witch.

"Excuse me, miss? I-I don't want any trouble... I just want a potion."

"A potion, you say?" She laughed hoarsely. "Oh, i'll give you a potion alright."

"No, not like that! I'll do anything. What have you got on you?" I said, my fist behind my back.

"I have got a weakness potion, healing, invisability, the usual. What's in it for me boy?" The old woman faced me.

"I have sugar..?" I said confidently, but i was lying to her.

She took her healing potion out, and turned her back to seal it.

Big mistake.

I finally let my rolled-up fist swing across her head, knocking her on the ground. The potion rolled away. I grabbed it, and kicked her in the head one more time before running away.

I approached her, and she was in the same position she was when i left.

I rose her head a little, and let the potion slide down her throat.

Her breathing slowed down, and she sat fully up.

"Marley?" She whispered.

"Long story. But we should really start building a house or something," I said pointing at the dark sky.

She forced a smile at me, and stood up with wobbly legs.

" Now... lets go survive this world."

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