29:: All Eyes on Us

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I opened my eyes and imediatly wished I hadn't.
I wish more than anything that I could go back to my land of dreams, where everything is fine and everybody's happy...but I can't.

"Today's the day," I mumble.

I feel arms wrap around me from behind, "We'll be ok," Damian spoke soothingly, "I won't let anything happen to you."

I turned around in his arms and burried my face in his chest, "Can't I just go back to sleep for like, another year?"

He chuckled, "If you did then I'd miss you."

I groaned and pulled away from him, getting out of my warm bed I said, "That's not the point Damian," I sat back down at the edge of my bed, "I'm scared."

Damian frowned.

-Time skip-
I walked down the stairs towards the dinning room, each step feeling too fast.

I sat in my seat at the table beside Damian, it felt too fast.

I began to eat, each bite I took feeling too fast.

Everything was going too fast. Everything I did would just speed up the force that was shoving me closer to the brick wall, that was revealing my identity.

"How was your sleep, everyone." Bruce asked, trying to take our minds off of what we were going to be doing today.

Everyone mumbled a tired, "Good," but we were all thinking to same thing, restless.

We were quiet, the only sound in the room being our utensils softly clanging against out plates.

I was surprised Jason got up this early. He usually doesn't get up till about an hour after we do, and even then he just stays in his room till we have to do something.
But by the looks of it, he never went to sleep.

Bruce sighed, "The press wants to interview us before we reveal our identities; they want to know what we think about the new law-"

"We all think it's bullshit!" Tim exclaimed and we looked at him shocked. We expected Jason to react this way, not Tim, "They should know that."

For the first time since I've been here, Bruce didn't scold Tim for swearing...it didn't even look like he cared.

"You're right, Tim. It is bullshit," we were again surprised; Bruce never swears. Bruce then called to Alfred, "Alfred, prepare a suit."

We raised our eyebrows in question, waiting for Bruce to continue.

"The press would also like to know what Bruce Wayne thinks about the new law," he explained.

We sadly nodded our heads, sorry that Bruce would have to do it twice.

-Time skip-
Bruce left for the interview and we left for the batcave.

After putting our uniforms on, we decided to wait around the batcave for Bruce to come back.

We left our masks on. We wanted to feel what it was like to have our identities secret for the last few hours, we wanted to remember as much of our freedom as we could.

I never thought the metallic, glue like substence that held my black mask on, could feel so good sticking to my skin.

I would always take it off after patrol, but now I wish I could keep it on forever.

Revealing our identities is like striping naked in front of the world.
It's like reading the most personal page you've ever written in your diary, out loud on live tv. It's like having sex in front of your parents. It's something you'd never want to do.

"Are you guys Ok?" Dick asked being the concerned big brother he is.

"No," we all answered.

"Are you Ok?" Jason asked Dick. We all just shook off the fact that Jason was being openly concerned about one of us.


Bruce walked into the batcave, interrupting our sad conversation, "It's time."

-Time skip-
I'd been doing them for the past few months of being part of the Wayne family.
They're boring...fake. Every single one of them, filled with fake smiles, fake jokes, fake laughing, and fake people.
But this wasn't going to be fake.

This time I didn't have to be a stuck up, boy crazed rich girl...this time I didn't even have to be a hero.
None of us did. We just had to give our honest opinions.

Interview after interview, scared hero after scared hero, news channels, magazines, and news paper reporters interviewed us. And every time they ask us the same question...

"How do you feel about the new law?" Asked the lady who was interviewing me. Her bleached white teeth spread into a fake innoying smile.
I looked down at my gloved hands, which had been shakeing since we had arrived here, "To be honest... i-im terrified."
The steriotipical news reporter, asked a question she most likely already knew the answer to since every hero had answered the same, or at least a similar, way, "And why's That?"

I clenched my hands into fists, my nails digging into the leather of my thick gloves, to stop them from shaking. I looked up at the red haired women infront of me, the woman who didnt know how rediculous she sounded asked these pointless questions with obvious answers, "Because all eyes will be on us...and there's no stopping what's about to come."

Sorry I haven't been updating recently, I've just been really busy🙃🙃🙃

The Sparrow and the Robin (Damian Wayne X OC) Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz