21:: An Alie

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-Third Person pov-
Damian and Marina walked in silence to the graveyard. It was at the edge of Gotham City, just like the Manor, so they didn't have to walk very far. And since it was still the early hours of the morning, nobody was there.

Marina honestly didn't know what she was going to do. There were too many emotions going through her all at once, it was hard for her to think about anything else. But she knew she had to go to the grave yard.

They walked into the graveyard with rushed feet, quickly winding through all the grave stones. As they walked over countless dead bodys, they took no note of it; the only body that they cared about right now, was Marinas fathers.

Then they suddenly stopped.

Aaric Jackson
Beloved father, son, and alie.

Marina pulled out a hidden knife and roughly scratched out 'Beloved father'
, putting a line right through it.

"I hate you, Father. I hate you with every cell in my body. I'm happy you're dead...even if you were alive, you'd be dead to me anyway."

The two teens then turned around. Walking out of the cemetery, they didn't notice the 'alie' on the gravestone...something Marina didn't put there.

Marina and Damian walked through the front doors of the Manor, they were still upset, but a little bit of the anger was gone now. A very little bit.

"What did you do?" Bruce imediatly asked, concerned that they had committed an anger driven crime. It wouldn't be the first time one of his kids had done it.

"Defiled my father's grave." Marina stated simply, like it wasn't a big deal.

Nobody complained.

"Is there anything we can do for you guys?" Dick asked.

Damian and Marina glared at the floor. The last thing they wanted, was to be pittied.
"Yeah, there is. Don't bother us." Damian said and grabbed Marinas hand, quickly leading her up to his room and closing the door before his siblings could say anything else.

Marina walked over to Damian's couch and sat down. Damian watched, not exactly knowing what she was doing. Without looking at him, Marina explained "I'm going to put a movie on. I don't really want to do anything."
Damian nodded, even though she couldn't see it, and sat down beside her.
Marina put on a random movie, not really caring what they watched, she just wanted to fill the silence with something other than...well, silence.
After a few minutes of the movie, Marina crawled over to where Damian was and snuggled into his side, putting her head on his shoulder. Damian put an arm around her and rested his chin on her head.

"I missed you." Marina whispered just loud enough so he could hear.
"We couldn't remember each other. You couldn't have missed me." He said stating the obvious.
"I still did." Marina sighed, breathing in his calming sent.

"I love you, Damian Wayne."
"I love you too, Marina Jackson." Damian kissed the top of he head "And I'll spend every second of the rest of my life making up for the 5 years we missed."
"I look forward to it."

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