I asked him.

'It's not that I wanted you to have a memory of the horrid night, I just wanted to see if you had any knowledge about what you did.'

He replied.

'What I did? What did I do?'

I questioned.

'You see, before Toby rescued you, I was chasing you down so I could get you home safely, but you were a little fast for me, which is a little surprising considering no other pasta or human is faster than me. But you tripped and fell and hit your eye, resulting with your hurt eye, and you were scared so as I was reaching out to help you, you took the deepest breath in, and screamed like no other. Just one, long scream. It paralysed me, actually, it was like you had your own powers...I believe you've developed powers from being around us so long.. Zalgo must've given you powers...but we shall test it to be sure later. Right now you should rest..'

He said as he patted my leg and left the room without another word.

I just stared down at my flower. I didn't know what to think. Me? Having powers? It's not possible. I'm just a regular teenage girl...

"H-Hi there."

I heard a guy stutter. I turned around to see a boy in a blue hoodie and I noticed he had goggles on.

I waved back at him and he stepped forward.

He held his hand out of me to shake.

"I'm Toby, TicciToby. And I know, you're Milena. I've heard a lot about you. From Slendeman of course, he talks nonstop about you."

He smiled slightly as I shook his hand and smiled back.

"Well, I'll be on then. After you take a nap Slendy and I will head outside with you so we can test your power and strength, deal?"

He asked me. I smiled again and nodded my head.

"Alrighty then, we have a deal."

He beamed, then waved before he walked out of the room.

I sighed and looked at my nightstand where there just happened to be a vase full of water. I didn't question it, I just put the rose in the vase and curled up under the blankets, falling into a deep sleep.

"Good morning...wakey wakey eggs and bakey....oh come on, just get up already."

I heard an annoyed voice in my ear and two small hands shaking me awake.

I opened my eyes and my eyes met with the grey eyes of Mrs. Sally, holding Charlie in her arms like he could run away at any second.

"Slendy wants you to go outside to meet him. Those were my orders. Oh yeah, and I see your eyes are both better, hehe."

She said before she skipped out of the room quickly. She was right, my eyes were both fixed. I could see a lot better than before.

I stretched and stood up, putting my converse on and putting my hair in a bun, then jogging out to the front yard I've been so familiar with.

I saw Toby and Slendy both standing together and conversing almost silently, almost as if they were trying to hide something.

I snuck over to where they were and stood in place until they noticed me. It took a minute but they finally stopped muttering back and forth and directed their attention toward me.

Toby waved at me and I smiled and waved back, and Slendy held hand down to me. His hands are like..five times my size. But anyways, I stepped onto his palm and he lifted me up to eyes level, if he had visible eyes that it.

He just held me and stared at me. I was a little confused.

"Milena have you looked in a mirror recently?"

Slendy asked me. I was a lot more confused. I shook my head and he looked at Toby and asked him to fetch a mirror. Toby dashed into the house and Slendy put me back down. I looked up at him confused and he stared down at me.

"Your eyes...they're just..so...-"

He was saying in astonishment, but he was cut off by Toby running back outside. Oh no, I thought, something's wrong with my eyes. I probably look like a freak.

I frantically took the mirror from Toby's hand and looked at my eyes in the reflection. My scleras were black and my pupils were big and white. The colours of my iris were a light purple and I could see big specks of gold in the purple. What had happened to me?

"Your eyes are beautiful, don't question them, Milena. Zalgo is probably just adding more and more features...you're becoming one of us. First we have to see about your secret power...okay Milena stand back and try to scream again."

Slendy told me. I nodded my head and took a couple of deep breaths. I had no idea what was going on but I guess it's happening.

"Is everyone ready?!"

Slendy shouted at the roof of the mansion. I turned around and everyone was sitting on the roof watching from above. I took another deep breath. I don't work well under pressure.

"Ready Milena?"

Slendy asked me as him and Toby took a step back. I nodded my head and shut my eyes, taking a deep breath then doing what I could to scream. It didn't come out very powerful, but I stopped and opened my eyes seeing Slendy crouched and covering his ears.

I then turned back around to see the rest of the pastas passed out. Toby just stayed leant against a tree. He didn't seem to be effected.

When Slendy noticed I had stopped he uncovered his ears and sighed.

"It's happening for sure."

He said.

"Milena you're going to be able to defend yourself alone from now on. You'll be able to leave and roam about by yourself. You can save your own life now, but I'll still be an escort."

He told me, hugging me tightly and just holding me in his arms.

"You're one of us now..."

Slender, My Love (a Slenderman love story.)Where stories live. Discover now