Chapter 21

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Ambers POV

Our family has been attending church every Sunday. We all love it, it's been a great thing for me to over come everything. I was actually heading the Med to see if I get my boot off. We got there and got checked in and Rhodes came in. We got an X-Ray and then he came in and said "So she doesn't need her crutches but still needs the boot. She can start doing some physical therapy for it though." We nodded and I headed to school. I saw Mr.Logan and he wanted to know how the appointment went. I said "Still need the boot but can start some physical therapy for it." He nodded and said "Did they give certain things to do for it?" I nodded and he said "Well you can do them during my prep hour." I nodded and we chilled. Finally it was time to go home, I saw everyone home and I said "I promise I didn't do it." They laughed and they said "No we were just going to head to Skyzone for the littles to jump." I nodded they took the littles while Jay and I headed to the mall to walk around. We didn't see anything, so we decided to go home. It was Wednesday so I had church, I got my stuff and eased to church. I got there and it was just in time for small group, I quickly got checked in and then headed to small group, it was great to just kinda of relax and not talk about stuff in school. It was time for large group and they had a stage game. I decided to go up and the stage game was spike ball. They asked us your name where you go to school and what is your favorite sport to play. I said "Hi Amber, Navy Pier West High School and I love to play softball and run track." I didn't win Spike ball but it was still fun. Finally church was done and then I headed back home.

Two months later

Jays POV

Everyone at the Halstead house is thriving Amber is doing great, Madison and Ryan and Kati, Jessi and Henry they all are doing great. Technically Erin and I have three kids while Will and Olivia have four. Since Amber is both of ours. Erin and I are expecting two more she is pregnant with twins. We find out today what the genders are. So far everything has been going good. Henry is one year old and is moving up walkers at church because he is steadily walking and needs a little bit more action. Erin and I were on our way to the doctors. We got their and we found out that we are having a boy and a girl. We are so excited to have two more kids. I got back home to see a full house. I saw the littles all playing and then I saw Amber doing her homework and I asked "Where's Madison and Ryan?" She said "Downstairs playing." I nodded, I set my stuff down, I saw Will in the kitchen and I asked "What's for dinner Brother?" He said "Steamed green beans, Mangos, then grilled chicken." I nodded and then Amber was cleaning up, I asked "Amber, how's school going and be honest?" She responded "Good, the end of the quarter is next week so we just have finals. It's easy we are registering for classes next year and I kinda of want to do part time PSEO (College classes) since I'm a year ahead." I nodded and I said "Yeah go for it. That way you would have two years done. Your grades are good enough to do it." She nodded "I think I'm going to talk to my counselor and my history teacher." I nodded. Soon dinner was ready and we all ate then we got the littles ready for bed. Amber got ready and headed to bed, bring on the new day.

The next day

Ambers POV

I got up for school and it was starting to get nice out, so I decided on some distressed skinny jeans and a navy blue tank top with a blue and red cmono thingy and my red vans, for my hair I didn't want it in my face so I put it a side braid with a red bandana. I put my contacts in and headed downstairs I saw Will, Erin, I sat down at our little island. Will said "Hey Amber. Breakfast is eggs and some fruit what fruit do you want?" I said "I'll take some grapes and bananas." He nodded and got me some and then put my medication in front of me also, I ate and took my medication. I headed to the little half bath right by the kitchen and brushed my teeth. I grabbed my coat, backpack and I plugged my headphones in my phone and I said "By guys." I met up with Abbi then we walked to school. We got there and threw my coat in Mr.Logans room, I asked "Mr.Logan I think I want to do PSEO next year. What do you think?" He said "I would but don't leave me behind." I laughed and I set up a meeting with my counselor. We chilled in the pod before school and then headed to our first hours. I went to the library and chilled there then I stared watching Netflix. Finally school was done and I headed back home. I quickly sat down and started my homework and then started applying to colleges to do PSEO at, I don't have my licenses yet but I take my test in two weeks. I have my own car since Will bought a new one I got his red Ford Fusion, but I had to buy it from him, I'm still paying him back since I don't work that much. Once I was done applying and doing homework, I knew that Erin was home and I asked "Hey Erin do you want to go out driving with me?" She nodded and we went out driving for a few hours and then headed back home. Bring on the new day

How was that? I'm sorry I haven't updated forever but I had lots of things going on, I had my final semester of senior year start in March and I was making sure I was doing good. I had a car accident and then got busy with graduation. Thank you!!!

Living with my Uncles, named Jay and Will Halstead. (Chicago PD)!Where stories live. Discover now