Chapter 1

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September 15, 1875:

Lady Angelica of Stonehurst engaged to the Honorable Mr. James Henderson?


Marriages are a beautiful thing when love and friendship coexist.

However, I lived off illusions, as any other young lady would. I liked James and didn't mind marrying a man nine years my senior. In my eyes, James Henderson was the perfect gentleman with no rumors of rakish behavior. He was sweet. He even complimented my dress once and because it matched the color of my hazel eyes, that was, of course, adirect compliment to my eyes.

In an attempt to further unite James and I, our families planned an afternoon tea where we could converse and build a stronger bond. That was, of course, wishful thinking from both our mothers.

On the way to James's household, I peeked out the velvet curtains of the carriage and received an instant admonishing from my mother, Margaret Carter, the Countess of Stonehurst or commonly known as Lady Stonehurst.

"Put that down, child. It isn't very becoming for a young lady to be so prying."

I resisted the urge to scoff. 

The carriage came to a stop and Oscar stepped off his seat to open the door. He held his hand out, and I graciously accepted. I stepped down with as much elegance as I could muster in the off-chance that James was looking through the windows. My parents exited behind me.

We knocked on the large wooden door and in an instant the Viscountess Sidmouth, James's mother, opened with a cheerful smile. She greeted me with a hug as well as my mother. Her lavender perfume filled my nose, and I could smell nothing more for a good five minutes.

"James is busy in his study at the moment, dear," Lady Sidmouth explained to me, "He'll join us for tea a little later."

Lady Sidmouth led us to her glasshouse as my mother eyed the black orchids that resided near the tea-table.

My father, Arthur Carter, the Earl of Stonehurst, stayed inside to enjoy the lord of the house's company and not have to hear his wife's frivolous thoughts.

As I made myself comfortable on a white chair across from my mother, Lady Sidmouth called for one of her maids.

"Martha, please bring the tea."

"Yes, m'lady." The maid scurried off inside, leaving us to privacy.

    Then, my mother and Lady Sidmouth started to talk about nothing. Birds. Weather. Church. Hair. Nothing of substance.

    I tried my very best to please my mother and contribute to the conversation. However, the feat proved impossible as time passed, and I could manage no more than a smile. I was well acquainted with boredom, especially when with the older women.

    Martha arrived quickly with a silver tray and Lady Sidmouth's finest china along with finger sandwiches. I accepted a cup with hesitation; I was no enthusiast for tea. The drink was the bane of my existence, especially because everyone around me loved it.

    I made the conscious choice to down the serving of earl gray tea at once to no longer suffer. However, those sandwiches were gone the second I finished my tea.

    Lady Sidmouth, a host by the book, quickly took notice of my empty cup.

    "Would you like some more tea, dear? You finished that quite quickly."

    I shook my head, unable to talk with the wonderful bread inside my mouth. Lady Sidmouth still poured more of the concoction into my cup.

    "Dear Margaret, do you know the time?"

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