Chapter 2

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It was another morning in the Broflovski house and today it was Gerald's turn to try and help Kyle since Sheila was with Kyle all day yesterday and still no luck. Ike was trying his best to help his brother out as well by getting into his position for Kick the Baby but Kyle wasn't in the mood to kick the Canadian boy. Once Sheila took Ike to preschool, Gerald was sitting on the couch with Kyle laying his head on Gerald's lap. Gerald turns on the television because if anyone could perk up Kyle it would be Terrence and Phillip. When the show came on Kyle begins crying and trembling.

Gerald: Whoa Kyle. Calm down. It's okay. I'm turning it off.

Gerald turns off the tv and Kyle goes back to laying down. Gerald then looks down  at Kyle's small stomach.

Gerald: Do you want something to eat Kyle?

Kyle just violently shakes his head.

Gerald: Kyle if you don't eat anything you're going to be anorexic.

Gerald then put Kyle back in his bed. Kyle took a nap for a little while and in his dream he was back in Humancentipad. Junichi was just fed a burrito and pooped it into Kyle's mouth. Gerald then ran into Kyle's room and Kyle yet again wet the bed. Gerald ran his hand through Kyle's wayward curly red hair and Kyle begins to calm down. Gerald then takes Kyle off of the pee stained sheets and put fresh underwear and pants on him. Gerald then laid his son on the couch and called Sheila.

Sheila: Hi honey.
Gerald: Um Sheila he did it again.

Sheila: Oh my poor Bubbe. What is he doing now?

Gerald: Laying on the couch.
Sheila: Did he eat?
Gerald: No.
Sheila: Did you try?

Gerald: Yes I tried every method but it didn't work.

Sheila: What about laughing Terrance and Phillip was on today so I'm pretty sure Kyle had a few laughs.

Gerald: Actually he began crying when I turned the television on.

Sheila: Gerald I think it's time.
Gerald: Yeah me too.

Sheila: Ok I'll make an appointment for him tomorrow.

Gerald: Okay. Goodbye Sheila.
Sheila: Goodbye Gerald.

Gerald hangs up the phone and goes over to Kyle.

Gerald: Is it ok if I turn on the television Kyle I promise it won't be like last time.

Kyle: Sure.

News Reporter: That is why you should always keep up your fitness when you're old. Now our next story is about Apple.

Kyle: Dad!

Steve Jobs: Apple will be bringing back our Humancentipad.

Kyle: Ahh!
Steve: But we will changing a member.
Kyle: Huh
Steve: We going to need a new little boy.
Kyle: Really.

Gerald was so happy about what he saw, he saw a smile appear on Kyle's face. Gerald then turned off the television.

Gerald: I'm going to pick up Ike from Daycare, are you going to be ok Kyle.

Kyle: Yeah I'll be fine dad.

When Sheila got home she heard the shower.

Sheila: Kyle. Bubbe are you in the shower?
Kyle: Yeah ma.

Kyle got all dressed and stripped his pee stained bed sheets from his bed and put them into the wash. Kyle then went back to the living room to take a nap. While Sheila was making dinner, she had to watch over Kyle to make sure that he doesn't wet the couch. Soon Gerald came home with Ike. Ike then saw Kyle's hat and got to excited.

Ike: Kyle!!
Gerald: Ike shh your brother is trying to sleep.

It was kind of ironic to be telling Ike to be quiet when he was so used to it being the opposite way.

South Park: Humancentipad 2Where stories live. Discover now