sexy jocks

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aliyah's pov

we had just walked in to Ashton house .I spotted him talking to Dustin and Michael. I swear there so hot . but I don't like them there man whores . oh crap here comes king manwhore Ashton. I thought he would have come to talk to you know jasmine.


Ashton: hey guys , glad us could make it

jaz: thanks for inviting us.

ashton: jaz can I talk to your friend for a sec

jaz: sure.

then she left.

ash: so you enjoying the party.

me: excuse me I don't mean to be rude but I know you didn't come all the way over here to ask Me about your party.

ash: okay to the point your that kind of girl.

me: what exactly is that supposed to mean.

ash: nothing

me : smart ass

ash: what's your problem

me: me my problem is you.

ash: how am I your problem

me: your a man whore  you go around with your good looks . swooning girls  sleeping with them then breaking up the next day.

ash: that's not your problem. your problem is your a ducking black version daddies no it all princess who dose not no how to brake the ducking rules.

me: you want me to brake some rules fine.

I took a big bottle of vodka and chugged it down my throat

(10 mins later)

I was M c hamered

I was dancing tables the Ashton grabbed me and I started dancing and twerking and grinding on him.

Ashton: lets take this upstair


you can guess what happens?

the Truth in our lies( interracial)/teen pregnancyWhere stories live. Discover now