„Yeaaah?" I bit my bottom lip averting my eyes from the other's eyes to his lips, which were getting closer and closer by the second „You're not bad yourself" I nodded slowly.

Good" He said with a voice so deep that I felt it in my stomach. That was the last thingI heard before our lips met in a slow but lustful kiss.

My hands quickly went to grip the younger's black locks.
His lips were so soft and that kiss so sweet that for a moment I forgot the person I was kissing was the same one that made me loose my temper every single day.
Wow. Interesting how much can a couple of beers change someone's perspective.

I gasped as the other bit my lip and took the chance to deepen the kiss.
Sweet. After a little bit I slowly pulled away as I needed to catch my breath.

Wow." I just said before looking up at the other who weakly smiling.

I know right."

I released a content sigh before slowly nodding not really knowing what to do next.
I coughed awkwardly before standing up and smiling. The other looked up clearly confused.

„It's late, maybe I should go home. I'll take the bus, the stop is close"

I saw Jungkook clearly lost in his thoughts before smiling and standing up.

5 more minutes, okayy?"

I laughed before being lightly pushed onto the medium-sized bed ready to feel again those so pretty lips that I already seemed to crave much more than I probably should have.

7:00. I woke up with a slight headache, which made me regret even thinking about drinking last night.

I stood up and started putting my clothes on. Last night. Right.
I sighed as memories from the arluer night appeared thereby making me roll my eyes.
And I also have to sit next to him in class. Fucking teacher who even after our constant fights wouldn't change our places. Was she bor stupid or..-

Wait. I looked at the clock and nearly had a heart attack as I saw I was going to be late if I didn't stop thinking about him.

God damn it, stupid teacher, stupid project, stupid Jimin, stupid life.

I gulped as I stared at the door which was already closed meaning the lesson had started.
It's just 5 minutes, Taehyung. Yeah.

I opened the door slowly before closing it and bowing while apologizing to the teacher for being late. As soon as she told me to go sit my eyes met Jungkook, who seemed to look as awkward as I was. Thank God.

„Hi" He mumbled making me smile weakly and people around look at us surprised.

„Hi there" I took my seat and took out my math books.

After a couple minutes the boy next to me leaned closer to my ear making me slightly shiver „Um..we have to finish that project" He whispered trying not to be heard by the teacher.

I nodded turning my head to face him „Today is good? Same hour."

He nodded while smiling. I bit my lip and looked away but did not even have a chance to concentrate on the explaining Miss Woo that I felt Jungkook's foot lightly hittinh mine.

I furrowed my brows but did not dare to look at the aforementioned. Nope. Nope. Nope.

I tried to not think about it but him teasing me like that made me feel all kinds of way. i cleared my throat and hit his shoulder which made him release a chuckle.

What?" He asked not stopping his action.

I gulped as I felt my cheeks heating up.
As I thought it couldn't get worse than it was, the same boy placed his right hand on my thigh making me look down and back up pretty quickly.

Taehyung can you for once pay attention?"

I nodded quickly as the teacher looked at me with furrowed brows.
I looked aways as the hand on my thigh was getting extremely close to my-

Can I go to the toilet?" I asked as I quickly stood up and already started going towards the door. The only thing I heard other than the woman's approval was Jungkook's laugh.

„What was that?!" I whined while entering the same house I had been at, the day before.

„I don't know what you're talking about Taehyungie" the younger said slowly getting closer before putting his arms around my waist.

I chuckled „The project. We have to finish it today"

„Oh" he said with his lips dangerously close to my neck „You wouldn't mind coming here again tomorrow, would you?"

Mh" I said with closed eyes as the other's lips slowly moved on my warm skin „I guess we have time, y-yeah—„

Let's go upstaires, huh?" Jungkook asked starting to go upstaires.

„To do the project?" I sighed following the latter as I already missed the warmth of his lips.

He just laughed before taking my hand and walking faster „Yeah, sure"

I chuckled as I yet again was pushed towards the bed and attacked with a pair of lips, which after such a small amount of time already made me feel like I was the luckiest person ever.

„You know— it's weird—„ the younger said between kisses „I used to— hate you but— now— I can't get enough of you" his eyes met with mine for a moment before feeling the same lips on my neck again slowly leaving slightly reddish spots.

„Let's do the project now?" I asked before hearing a groan escape the other's mouth „We can continue after we finish."

And that was when the othe lifted up his head and looked at me with a wide smile „Then what are we waiting for? Let's finish this stupid project!"

I chuckled before pulled by Jungkook who quickly took a sit and started working on our assignment.

What can I say?
Awesome teacher, awesome project, awesome Jimin and awesome life!

[ not read proof sorry for any mistakes]

Okkkkk I'm back, sorry I don't update very often but I'm not always in the mood to write and even if I am I don't always have ideas for new oneshots so yeahhhhh

Hope you liked this one :')
oH and thank you for almost 1000 views, that's aweSomE
E n j o y

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