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Changbin was officially turning a year older. Not that he felt any different. He didn't usually celebrate birthdays; he found them awkward, besides he was only one year older it doesn't change anything, not like becoming an adult had done. 

So when Felix burst into his bedroom yelling at him to pack a suitcase and get ready he was quite surprised. He didn't know where they were going, but Felix said to pack a swimming costume and to pack for a week.
So he did. And the next thing he knew they were already through security and on the way to the gate in the airport.

"Flight 684 to Australia departs in 15 minutes. Please head towards the gate." The speaker rang as Felix dragged him towards the gate.
So he wants me to go to his home?

He was pulled out of his thoughts as he boarded the plane. 
They walked to their seats, sitting, and checking everything as you do on a plane before departure.

The flight took almost no time from the boys, as both fell asleep incredibly quickly, remaining asleep even during a patch of heavy turbulence, exhaustion playing a vital part in the trip.

Upon arrival, they awaited until they were allowed to leave.
They grabbed their luggage, heading towards a very excited Mrs Lee who held up a sign that read 'Changlix' with hearts decorating it.

Changbin turned to Felix, whispering in his ear, " Why does everyone call us Changlix?"

"Because we are couple goals so they gave us a ship name. Minho even said we were his OTP." 

Changbin did chuckle at that, he had to admit.

And so they travelled to Felix's childhood home, and Changbin chatted along happily with Felix's older sister Rachel and his younger sister Olivia when they arrived. Felix couldn't wait for the rest of the week spent with the people he loved. Because yes, he loved Changbin.

So this is what being truly happy in love feels like. Felix thought watching the interaction.

The week Felix and Changbin spent together in Australia brought the two closer, though it had seemed impossible.

Felix sat on the swing seat in the garden, Changbin in Felix's warm embrace, feeling at home, a comfort that his even his own home didn't give him, when Felix decided he had to tell Changbin. He turned to him, opening his mouth, but felt a loss of words as he stared at the angel in front of him. The light breeze swept Changbin's hair across his face, his facial features glowing in golden hour. For once, Felix remained speechless as he stared in awe at the man he called his boyfriend.

"I love you." Changbin has whispered before Felix had a chance.

The smile on Felix's face grew as his whispered his reply.

"I love you too." And he turned kissing Changbin's forehead, bringing him impossibly closer as they sat in a blissful silence.

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