She kneeled down in front of the bed to pull out the plastic bin under it to retrieve one of the pair of pants they kept in it, along with their shorts. Slipping the garment on she glanced at the clock, 5:49 it read, she smirked at it.

“Time to wake sleeping beauty.” She mumbled softly. RoRa perked up at that, she eyed her master wearily, knowledge of past actions behind her mix matched eyes, and Marlo met her eyes and just stared her down. Even though Marlo was the official owner of RoRa, the wolf preferred to sleep with her brother, the fact annoyed her a long time ago, after all it’s not like she couldn’t jump up onto the top bunk, and the wolf was a demon after all. No, the reason why RoRa preferred the younger twin was because Marlo kicked liked a fucking mule in her sleep. The older twin accepted the fact years ago, and it kind of worked out for everyone, after all an angry injured RoRa was a very deadly RoRa.

Marlo continued the staring contest with the wolf, just willing her to try and pick a fight, but ultimately RoRa bowed down to her master, letting out a noise that was the human equivalent to a sight, she got up and hopped off the bed. Smirking Marlo turned her gaze to Chris, mentally girding her loins. Normally her brother wasn’t that violent, well unless you were a demon, but it wasn’t a smart thing to do, that is messing with him in the morning. If it was a regular human, they’d need padding protecting every part of their body, and lots of it. But since she wasn’t all together human, plus the fact she was his twin, Marlo didn’t need any padding.

She calmly and quietly stuck out her hand and poked her brothers sleeping form. The response to that was him groaning and rolling up into a cocoon, using the blanket as wrapping. He opened his eye to where it was a slit, glaring at the person who dared to interrupt his slumber. When seeing the responsible party he let out a venomous hiss.

“Whad da hell you want?” he asked, his voice was heavy with sleep, but still held lots of venom.

Smirking Marlo just stood up and looked down on her younger sibling. “Time to get up, you need a shower to get the smell of demon off ya.”

Another hiss came out from him, “Go Fuck yourself bitch.” Chris responded and turned over. Sighing the elder twin just shook her head. Believe it or not, her younger brother was actually the nicer half of the two, as well as the more level headed.

“Is that your final answer?” She asked using her best game show host voice. In response, a hand came out from under the pillow and gave her the one fingered salute, then disappeared back under the pillow.

“That answer the question, now again Go.  FUCK. Y-O-U-R-S-E-L-F.” Chris responded dragging out the last part in an annoying voice. Sighing again Marlo looked over at RoRa, who was sitting in the corner in between the dresser and computer desk. Her usual morning hiding spot, the wolf had been with the twins long enough to know where to hide to escape the carnage that came from waking the younger sibling.

“You know what to do.” Marlo said, then shook her hand at the wolf and went to retrieve her black fingerless gloves and t-shirt. RoRa shook her head in response and came out of her hiding spot. She trotted over to the bed and hopped back on, making sure to land in the space between Chris’s sleeping cocooned form and the wall. She first tried to nuzzle the boy’s face, but he responded with a very loud primordial growl, swatted at her and pulled up the covers over his head. Making another sighing sound RoRa turned around and faced the wall, the devil wolf knew the routine by heart, for she had been with the twins ever since their mother left them when they were six. She was their mother wolf, though first she had tried to kill them, almost succeeding in killing Chris, taking his left eye. But ultimately Marlo had defeated her but spared her life at Chris’s request.

Making another sighing sound, RoRa turned her head back at the cocoon, mentally giving the boy a second chance, then using her hind legs, pushed the bundled up boy. The action in return caused the bundled boy to roll over and fall down onto the floor. Chris rolled out of the blanket, revealing that he slept in an oversized t-shirt and boxers. Growling like a rabid animal, he glared up at the usual culprit behind the overused tactic. His elder sister, the so called ‘Angel’ by her given middle name, stood smirking at him. She was in nothing but cargo jeans and a bra, her gloves on her hands and a t-shirt in one hand, the other was on her hip.

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