When he's angry

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James: If he's angry at someone else you'd definitely help him plan out a prank. And you would not allow him to go easy on the person. Unless he's angry at one of his friends, then you'd make them talk it out and try not to pick a side.
When he's angry at you he'd be really passive agressive. The things he'd say wouldn't resally be hurtful but the way he said it and the look he'd give you would break your heart. If the fight was your fault or just because of a stupid reason, you'd apologize. But if it was his fault you'd wait llong enough until he'd realize that it wasd time to apologize.

Sirius: If he's angry at someone else you'd try to cheer him up by making silly faces and trying to make him laugh.
When he's angry at you he'd tell you and try not to yell. He felt like working it out with you before it would all blow into something bigger. If you caused his anger you'd be too proud to apologise at first, but soon would feel sad for pissing him off and say sorry. If he would be exaggerating he would definitely be way too proud. It'd take you to confront him to get a sorry.

Remus: Angry at someone else? You would calm him down and show him that he's awesome shouldn't waste his time on some random person.
If he'd be angry at you he would ignore you, trying not to make a scene and calm down himself. Rather than hurting you, even if you made him angry. He would love you way too much for that, never would he think of yelling at you or anything like that. But it'd be quite obvious judging by the fact that he wouldn't be hapy and ignore you at the same time. Even if it wasn't your fault at all you'd apologize, not wanting him to be mad at you.

Peter: You would just hug him when he'd be angry. This boy wouldn't be angry much, but when it happened he'd keep it to himself. So you would think it'd be better to hug him than let him suffer alone.
Honestly, he wouldn't be angry at you.

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