What house you're in and why

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James: You're in Gryffindor because you aren't scared of anything. You especially never back down from a fight. Physical, or with word, it doesn't matter to you. You're known as the girl who beat up Timothy because he insulted James.

Sirius: You're in Gryffindor because you're incredibly brave., especially when it comes to protecting your friends. Once you got in a fight with someone because they were harrassing one of your friends. You didn't touch each other or anything, but hateful things were said.

Remus: You're in Ravenclaw because you are really creative. You usually spend your ree time drawing or reading, if your homework is done. Sometimes people come to you to ask if you could draw them. One time you drew Remus as he was talking about chocolate. He hung the drawing above his bed.

Peter: You're in Hufflepuff because you're one of the kindest souls in the world. That's probably one of the reasons Peter loves you. You won't judge him and really care for him. Something he isn't used to at home. You are so kind that when you get angry people tend to get scared of you. When you get angry you get angry. It will take a while and a lot of effort to calm you down. But some niced words from Peter usually do the trick.

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