classic sans omo

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Classic had come back from Grillby's after a long night of drinking. Completely smashed Sans ended up passing out on the couch. Now as anyone should know, when drinking your bladder fills pretty quickly. The whole fact you always have to go right after you wake up from a blackout.

Once Sans does awake his eye sockets open alert, the fullness of his bladder kind of hurt. Immediately grabbing onto his pelvis to hold in the liquid from his overflowing bladder he tries getting up. Every movement causes the liquid inside of him to slosh around prompting a small whimper to escape from Sans' mouth. Managing to get off the couch, his legs squirm and fidget below himself. Looking up at the steps to the upper level and the bathroom Sans groans. He tries teleporting but as soon as he starts concentrating to do so his bladder leaks a little.

Forcing himself to walk up the stairs is the next best thing. With every step he has to take just to walk over to the stairs is hell. His hands shoved between his legs he can't even stand still. Part of him just wants to say fuck it and let it all go right here and now but he knows if he does that Papyrus would get upset. Sighing to himself Sans starts up the stairs, every step he takes he almost loses control.

Finally making it to the bathroom door he's filled with complete and utter joy. This feels like one of the greatest things to have happen to him in weeks! He puts a boney hand on the door knob turning it- ...... No... No.. No! The door's locked. Sans curses and bangs on the door, "fucking hell Papyrus hurry up!" Sans doesn't mean to come off so brash but, hell he doesn't know if he's gonna last much longer.

"Sans! I'll be out in a minute! Don't use such vulgar language!" Papyrus calls out to his older yet smaller brother.

Sans was actually doing the potty dance right in front of the door. His eyes start to water, this was probably the most movement he's done in a long time. It's starting to hurt as he leaks more making his underwear damp. Begging his brother to go faster as he jiggles the door knob desperately. Then it opens, the door finally opened. Sans takes his hands away from his crotch, Papyrus standing right in front of him Sans takes a step forward.

He's filled with relief, joy, and almost pleasure as he feels something warm on his lower half. A hissing sound accompanied by the sound of a liquid hitting the floor breaks the silence between the two. Sans' face turns a deep blue as his blush grows more intense. The realization that he just pissed himself in front of his younger brother hits him like a brick to the face.

Calmly Papyrus pets Sans' head saying, "it's alright brother we all have accidents. Maybe we should get you one of those diapers if it keeps happening though. Let's just clean it up for now." Papyrus smiles and walks downstairs to get the things needed to clean up Sans' mess.

All the while Sans just stands there looking dumbfounded. "Heh... A diaper wouldn't be half bad. I wouldn't have to get up then," he comments feeling a little embarrassed.

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