trapped and too late

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  Having a lovely movie night with his little brother Papyrus, Sans was mostly relaxed on the couch as the partly interesting movie would catch his attention every now and again. They would have these movie nights around every two weeks or more if one of them was busy that day. The two did this as a brotherly bonding type of thing, something to do to spend time together. Now this was a movie night so of course they had snacks and drinks to enjoy while watching whatever would play on their tv. After some time had passed Sans was getting rather tired while pap still seemed to have a good amount of energy within his taller body. So slowly getting up in order to not distributed his brother- or more like sneak passed the other. Sans was able to get to his room without Papyrus even taking notice to it whatsoever. He had left his poor ol baby brother to clean up the mess that had been left by them, yeah it wasn't too big, if you don't count the crumbs that Sans had made but it was still a little mean to leave Pap to clean it. Sans knew Papyrus would most likely be upset that he had just left him to clean up, but the skeleton was pretty tired and he would deal with whatever lecturer Papyrus would give him in the morning. 

   Just about passing out once his body smacked into the mattress he was out for some hours when a rather angry papy pretty much kicked his door in at 10:00am. "SANS, YOU BUTTHEAD" Papyrus yelled out as his goes over to the small skeleton who looked just slightly shocked that his door would probably need to be fixed. "Uuuhhhh, that's a little rude Papyru-" he was cut off by pap just picking him up like a football and walking out the room. "YOU KNOW WHAT'S RUDE?! LEAVING ME TO CLEAN UP OUR MESS!" Papy walked down the stairs and out the house. "Pap what the hell are you even doing??" Sans was pretty confused about what was actually going on "AS PUNISHMENT FOR DOING THAT YOU WILL CLEAN THE SHED" He yelled, however the actual anger in his voice had mostly died down at this point. Sans shook his head, a heavy feeling in his bladder hitting him once he really woke up to feel it. "Alright alright, can i at least go to that bathroom first? I really have to go bro" Sans asked with a hint of begging in his voice as he gave a small bit of moment that anyone with a full bladder would give. Papyrus just huffed "Yeah, sure. lier, you used that on me before and i'm not falling for it again!" his voice calmed down more as he got to the shed opening the door and placing sans down. "i'll give you an hour, it isn't even that mess so you should do fine. There some cleaning products already in here." Pap told the small skeleton and before sans could even be given a chance to say something the door was closed on him and Papyrus had left to go do his own thing. 

  Sans just stood there for a while, thinking about how fucked he was. well he could just leave, so it wasn't that bad. Grabbing the doorknob, twisting it and giving it a pull. it came right off, with a thud on the other side of the door where the handle fell off. Sans froze again, okay now he was really fucked.... maybe....just maybe he could push it right open? putting both hands on the door, the heavy feeling in his bladder grew and his hands retreated to give a tight grip to his crotch. "agh! fuck, no" he gave a small whine, pushing his legs together and moving his hips side to side. Desperate times call for desperate measures "PAPYRUS!" He screamed out, hoping his dear brother would come save the day. But nothing was heard back, if pap was close enough to hear sans the taller skeleton would of said something back. Sans yelled out for the other a few more times, his situation only growing worse. honestly he could just go right now, let it all flow out of him, it would feel so good. 

   thinking about it made the skeleton leak a few times "Nghh~ i can't do that~ paps is gonna be even more upset if i piss on the floor." He gasped out when bigger leak spilled out of him. Whining louder and dancing around he could hold it. leak after leak only got bigger till he was full on wetting. His arms moving to his sides as pleasurable moans came from his mouth. it felt so good to release it all. Soaking his shorts and even his slippers it was a few minutes of complete bliss till it was all over. Once the high wore off he looked down at himself and blushed as a grown monster, he just pissed himself. That wasn't just it though, with bad timing Pap came to check on Sans "SANS! Why is the doorknob on the floor??" with a grab of where the nob use to be and a harsh pull Papyrus got the door opened. "You should know that we need to you weren't lying then?...sorry" Pap didn't expect to see his older brother in wet shorts and standing in the middle of a piss puddle, but that's what he walked in on. "Lets get inside sans" Papy told the other while walking back to the house.  

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