Some days, she wishes she could though. Because on days like these where the light inside her feels dark, and it lasts for an eternity, she could really use someone. But it's sad because Cassiopeia's so used to the loneliness, the kind where you feel like you're useless, and stop searching for where you belong in this world. Because in all honesty, for a moment Cassiopeia knew who she was, and where she belonged. Just for something so evil to take away from her, and she's right back where was; alone.

   Cassiopeia has no clue who she is, or where she's going. She wishes she could run away, and go somewhere with more meaning, and more people. Cassiopeia wants to experience the things she'd never be able to because of her mother. But she won't run away, because of the losers, because of Richie.

   Over time she's learned to admire Richie for everything he is. But what started it all was how different he is than everyone in this town. Richie Tozier is everything she is told not to be and isn't. It's just when she's around him, the moon seems brighter, and the stars for some reason seem to have more meaning. But most of all, when Cassiopeia Wylie is around him, words don't seem easy more. Like she always has these words on the tip of her tongue to say to him, but never being able to say it, or not saying it the right away.

   She misses him, she misses Beverly, she misses all of her friends. She misses hearing Eddie and Richie bicker back and forth, she misses seeing Bill and Ben give not so discreet stares at Beverly, she misses Stans overly dramatic eye rolls at Richie, she misses how quiet but meaningful Mike is. Cassiopeia misses it all, and she'd do anything to have it back. She just wishes she found them before IT did.

   With those memories in mind, Cassiopeia's thoughts became too much, and she felt terrified. As she walked the sidewalks of Derry, not going anywhere, in particular, her hands began to tremble. Her nose also became runny, as tears began to run down her face. And just like before the summer, she felt like she did all along; vulnerable.

"Hiya Cassiopeia, what's wrong?" A voice taunted, and as Cassiopeia looked up she saw the one thing she did not want to see, IT. "We've never fully met, I'm Pennywise." Her fear only began to grow, and now her whole body's shaking, she didn't move a muscle. Her mind was already a blur, so this definitely was not helping. "You never opened that present I got you." IT- Pennywise- taunted, now coming closer to Cassiopeia.

Cassiopeia took steps back to get away, but it seemed Pennywise was closer, and he got close to her face. His voice now deepened, much like when he spoke to Bill about Georgie. "That wasn't very nice, but now's your chance to come to get it. With me, you'll float, and never be alone again." Pennywise stuck it's hand out for Cassiopeia to grab. But instead, with slow and hot tears still streaming down her face, Cassiopeia did the only thing she could think of; punch IT.

After punching IT, Cassiopeia didn't even look back, she knew Pennywise would be following after her. She simply just ran, as she ran Cassiopeia couldn't help the continuous tears that ran down her face. But she couldn't help but think, because she now knows why Pennywise only targets her when she's alone. IT knew her fear before she even did.

From behind her, she could hear Pennywise coming closer. Cassiopeia realized she was near the quarry where she first met her friends and ran into that direction. She has no clue why she did it, she just hoped she'd lose IT. But as she got closer to the exact spot she saw one person, and that one person made stop running. Cassiopeia slowly approached them, "what are you doing here?"

"IT's gonna get me Cassiopeia. Please, if IT doesn't get you, it'll come for me, please don't let IT." Beverly begged, "don't let IT hurt me." Cassiopeia grabbed Beverly by the shoulder and shook her head.

"That's what best friends do." Cassiopeia smiled weakly, and Beverly smiled back. "But unfortunately, in such the little time I've know Beverly, I know my best friend wouldn't risk my life for her own. The same way I wouldn't risk hers over mine." Cassiopeia then let go of 'Beverlys' shoulders and pushed her into the quarry water. But before her body even hit the water, it disappeared into thin air, because it wasn't real. Unfortunately, little did Cassiopeia know, that was a real-life foreshadow conversation. 

   "That wasn't nice Cassiopeia, I thought you were supposed to be ladylike?" Pennywise growled from behind Cassiopeia, causing her to turn around. That was it, there was nothing she could do. Behind her was a cliff, and she couldn't run straight ahead or IT would get her.

   In such little time, Cassiopeia looked around her and behind Pennywise. This place is such a good memory, it's one of the few best memories she has in this town. Cassiopeia hates this town more than anyone else ever could, nothing good ever happened to her in this town. But this spot, the quarry? It's a good thing.

   It's where she and Beverly really connected. It's where she first got out of her comfort zone and exposed her body in a way she would've never done. These next parts she didn't know, but they happened. It's where Richie realized how much more beautiful she is - something he didn't think was possible. It's where she and Richie brushed arms and felt electricity shoot between them and not even notice.

There's no way in hell she's letting this go to waste.

She wasn't letting those memories go to waste. She will not die knowing that she never loved herself. She will not die today, without know what living is. Like she thought before she may be alone right now, but she won't be alone forever. So now it's time for her to put her previous thought about saving herself into play. It's only a sad day, not a sad life.

So, she took the biggest risk of her life. As Pennywise reached out to grab her, Cassiopeia looked at IT straight in the eyes. Then, she jumped back off the cliff. Soon enough her body was submerged in water, and when she came back to the surface, Cassiopeia looked up. She watched Pennywise stare at her, then creeping off. Cassiopeia let out a sigh of relief and then went underwater and let out a scream. The scream was filled with many thoughts and emotions, but it wasn't important.

After letting out the scream, Cassiopeia made her way back up and is now walking on the sidewalk again. As she walked, she wasn't crying, her face filled with no emotion. All she did was tie her hair back, and wait for her to dry off before going back home. Cassiopeia has no clue how long that will be, but honestly, she didn't care, that's the last place she ever wants to be.

"Cass!" Right when Cassiopeia heard the nickname her mouth widened with a smile and she looked ahead of her. There stood Richie, she began to run over to him. When reaching him she almost pulled him into a hug but stopped herself.

"Oh, I'm all wet."

Usually, Richie would make some type of dirty joke. But he set his eyes on her, and he knew something happened. "I don't care," the boy proceeded to wrap his arms around Cassiopeia's waist. Cassiopeia's smile widened and she hugged back, putting her arms around his neck and resting her head on his shoulder.

"I missed you." She whispered while closing her eyes.

The edges of Richie's lips perked up, as his heartbeat began to fasten, "I miss you too, Cass." The two stayed in a hug for a little while longer before releasing and Richie looked Cass up and now. "Now what the fuck happened to you?"

   "Nothing, it's not important," Cassiopeia said as the smile never left her lips. "I'm really glad to see you, I miss everyone."

   "Yeah, me too," Richie said looking at the floor but then back at Cassiopeia. "But I missed you the most hot stuff."

   Cassiopeia only laughed as her cheeks turned a bright shade of red, "do you wanna hang out? I know you like the arcade." She asked, and Richie nodded. His cheeks now turned a bright red. Cassiopeia stood beside him and grabbed his hand, Richie assumed it was just a friendly gesture, but Cassiopeia knew otherwise. But there they walked, bright red cheeks, with the happiest smiles, holding hands.






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