Chapter 4

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Caitlin's POV:

I couldn't stop thinking about Justin kissing me, it felt so magical

I gave Lexi her dinner and then got her bathed and into her pajamas

I then sat with her in my arms until she fell asleep

I took her upstairs and laid her in her crib before going downstairs trying to find something to watch on TV

There was nothing on that was worth watching so I turned the TV off and laid back on the couch

My phone rang, I looked at the caller ID, Mackenzie, I answered:

"Hey whats up?" I answered

"Hey just called to see how you and Lexi were" She replied

"We're good, Justin came over earlier" I told her

"And?" She asked as if she knew there was something I wasn't telling her

"He um may have sorta kissed me"

"Woah! Justin Bieber kissed you"

"Yep" I said popping the p

"Is he a good kisser?" She asked

"Yeah" I said biting my lip

"Sooo, are you falling for him?"

"Maybe" I teased

Justin's POV:

I was on the phone to Ryan Butler:

"Man, no way, you kissed her?" He said sounding pretty shocked

"Yep" I sighed

"Was she any good?"

"She was amazing, her lips were just perfect..." I trailed off, getting caught up in my thoughts about her

"Dude, sounds to me like you like this girl"

"I think I do" I admitted

"This has to be the first girl you've fallen for since Sarah left you with Noah"

"Yeah and she has a little girl too"

We spoke for a while and it started getting late so I went to bed

Noah came in

"What's up buddy?" I asked

"I cant sleep" He said

I sighed "You wanna sleep with me tonight?"

He nodded and I picked him up laying him next to me

I kissed his forehead "Goodnight buddy"

"Night daddy, love you"

"Love you too"

Caitlin's POV:

I decided to head up to bed, I peaked into Lexi's room to see her fast asleep

I smiled and went into my room

I was actually looking forward to work tomorrow because I'd get to see Justin again

I soon fell asleep...

Justin's POV:

I got up and got a shower before getting dressed

I then got Noah up and got him dressed  (blue brown and white sriped hoodie, beige pants and sneakers) (

I then got him some breakfast ...

Caitlin's POV:

I got a shower and got dressed in a t-shirt and jeans

I then got Lexi up and bathed her before getting her dressed (white tshirt with an S on it and flowers with a pink short sleeved hoodie that also has flowers on and a pink skirt with flowers on the bottom ( . Derek soon arrived with Kailey to watch Lexi

I then left for work and as i arrived Justin and Noah were already there

"Sorry we're early, Noah couldnt wait to see you again" Justin apologised

I laughed and unlocked the door "Come on in" I smiled

"I have to get going I have to be in the studio" Justin said

Noah hugged him "Love you daddy"

Justin kissed his head "Love you too buddy"

Justin then left and Noah started playing with the toys

Soon Mackenzie arrived and then the rest of the kids

I noticed Noah was only playing by himself again

Why do all the kids ignore him?

Mackenzie clicked her fingers in front of my face, snapping me out of my thoughts

"Huh?" I said to her

"What are you thinking about?" She asked

"Just what Justin said about Noah"

"What did he say?"

"That Noah struggles to make friends, but its like the kids ignore him its weird"

Later Justin came back and by now all the other kids had gone home and Noah was the only one here

"Hey sorry I'm late buddy" Justin apologised

"Its ok Daddy"

"Daddy?" Mackenzie said kind of taken a back as she just found out that Justin Bieber was a father of a two year old

"Yes" Justin replied "Please dont mention it to anyone"

"Sure" Mackenzie replied

"Caitlin, I was wondering if you wanted to go out to dinner tonight?" Justin asked

"Yeah sure, Derek can watch Lexi tonight" I replied

"Ok, I'll have to find someone to watch Noah"

"Derek could watch him, I mean Noah loves Lexi"

"Yeah that'd be great, I'll pick you up at 7" Justin smiled

He then left...

(A/N please comment and tell me what you think


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