Chapter 3

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Justin's POV:

I awoke to Noah jumping on the bed

"Hey buddy" I smiled

"Daddy, I hungwy" He said still jumping on the bed

I sat up and got out of bed, picking Noah up and heading downstairs

I sat him at the table "What do you want for breakfast?" I asked him

"Pancakes!" He yelled

I laughed "Ok"

I made him his pancakes and made myself some too

"Can we go to the park?" Noah asked

"Sure" I smiled

"Can Caitlin and Lexi come?" He asked excitedly

"I'll call and ask her" I smiled

I then called Caitlin's phone:

"Hello, Justin?" She answered

"Yeah, its me" I replied "Noah wanted you and Lexi to come to the park with us, i-if you're not doing anything"

"That'd be great, what time?"

"About 12" I replied

"Sounds good"

It got to 12 and Noah ran and got his coat and shoes

i helped him get them on and we headed to the park

i saw Caitlin and Noah ran over to her "Caitlin!" He yelled

"Hey" She smiled

He then tickled Lexi and she giggled

I went over and me and Caitlin sat talking while Noah played with Lexi in the baby area

About an hour later Noah came over carrying a sleeping Lexi

I smiled as did Caitlin

He handed her to Caitlin who put her in her pushchair

Later when we left the park Caitlin invited us over for a little while

We arrived at Caitlin's place and she put Lexi down in her crib upstairs

She then asked Noah "You wanna watch a movie?"

Noah nodded eagerly and she told him where they were and he ran off to find one

Caitlin put the movie on and Noah sat on my lap snuggled up in my chest

I chuckled and kissed his head

We watched the movie and half way through I noticed Noah was asleep

Caitlin looked over and smiled "You can put him down in my room if you want"

"You sure?" I asked

"Yeah, its fine" She smiled

Damn, her smile is beautiful... No, snap out of it

I took Noah upstairs and laid him in Caitlin's bed

I went back downstairs and Caitlin and I talked for a while but I couldn't stay focused, I kept getting lost in her brown eyes

I- I think I might be falling for her...

We spoke a little longer and I kept staring from her eyes to her lips

I started to lean in and eventually our lips met and I kissed her

We kissed for about 30 seconds before we pulled away...

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