Chapter 5: Sarcasm

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(Thanks for all the love for this story! It really makes me happy that you guys like it!😃 I hope you like this chapter!

Btw, the picture above is what reader-chan turns into/now looks like, you can change skin colour and hair colour, also not my art)

Dipper's POV


I jolted awake, my body was covered in sweat and I was panting. My hands instinctively gripped my arms, but instead of feeling the pain I would if I were injured, I didn't feel anything.

My hands move downward and then I realize that I was sitting on something soft. I glanced down only to notice that I was sitting on my bed. I looked around and recognized the familiar room I was in.

I was in the room that me and Mabel shared inside of the mystery shack. My quick breathing slow down, was that really a dream? I thought. I pulled the covers off of me, and I stood up.

My legs were a little wobbly though, and I had to steady myself with the bed. Once I steadied myself, I quickly walked over to the door ignoring the major headache in my skull. But before I could get to the door, it swung open.

"Huh!? Dipper! Your okay!!" Mabel screamed and jumped on me. We both went tumbling to the floor. "Hey!!! Guys!! Dipper's awake!!" Mabel screamed, once again. I winced slightly at her loud voice, my headache killing me now.

"Oh! Sorry dipstick, I'm just so happy you're alright! You worried us all!" She got up and helped me up, and what she said got my attention, what did she mean by that? "Wait, how did I worry you? What happened? How long was I out?"

Mabel suddenly had a solemn look on her face. She was very quiet. "Do you really not remember what happened . . . . ?" She looked about ready to cry. I was even more confused, just what happened?

". . . . . . . . . No? Should I remember?" I tilted my head to the side slightly. She looked around the room, avoiding my gaze. Then Gruncle Stan, and Uncle Ford busted into the room, with Soos and Wendy behind them.

"Dipper, I am relieved to see your alright, you scared us all, you know." Uncle Ford said, relief evident in his voice. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. "I did? What exactly happened to me?"

Uncle Ford glanced at Mabel, who just shook her head in response. "Well, if you don't remember what happened, can you at least tell us what you do remember?"

I breathed in slowly, calming myself. I focused on what I did remember, images flashed throughout my mind. The memory of my dream, or better yet, nightmare, came back, almost hauntingly.

My heat raced as I relived the memory. "I-", I stuttered. "The last thing I remember is me and Mabel walking in the woods, then it went blank, then you all laying dead, your bodies littering the ground around me."

I took a deep breath. "The town was on fire, but not normal fire, it consumed everything. Then some strange, woman, appeared carrying someone, but it was too fuzzy, I can't remember much more than that."

I turned away, feeling guilty for not telling them the rest of my dream. Then, it dawned on me, what happened before. "What happened to me, before?"

They all glanced at each other, obviously uneasy. "That is not important right now, what's important right now is that you get some rest." Uncle Ford quickly stated.

Everyone nodded in agreement, slowly leaving the room, the door shutting after them. I got up and walked to my bed and sunk under the covers, the feeling of being watched flashed through me, before it all turned black.

Bill's POV (Bill is currently in his dorito form, watching the whole conversation through the Mindscape)

I carefully watched Pinetree, I wanted to know the extent of this new demons powers. It seemed as though all that small blast of magic did was give him a nightmare, and erase his memory of what happened. It seemed odd though, why would a demon pass up an opportunity to harm/injure a human?

It just doesn't make sense, that small shot must have done something to Pinetree, but I couldn't tell. "Just what exactly did you do?" I muttered quietly under my breath. I growled, sitting here and watching this pathetic meat bag, he would only waste my time.

I thought for a little bit, where would I be able to go to find out something about this mysterious demoness? Then it hit me, why didn't I just go visit the Nightmare Realm and see what I could learn from the creatures there? Yeah there was a chance I could run into the demoness, but why not?

I waved my hand, and a portal appeared. I quickly floated through, appearing in my old home, the Nightmare Realm. I looked around, this definitely was the lawless place I came to know as home. Creatures of all shapes and sizes, colors and looks, all floated through the void like universe.

My eye scanned over them, I don't know why, but I just couldn't get rid of the feeling of her being near me. I tore my gaze away from the crowd and snapped my fingers, appearing in a large room, almost like, a casino and a club mixed together. (Btw, he is in human form)

This is where sins hung out (like a lust demon or a greed demon), if I wanted to find information, this was the place. I walked up to the bar, leaning against the counter. I waved over the bartender, shifting my body more so I could see him (DID YOU JUST ASSUME MY GENDER!?!) better.

"I'm looking for a dream demon, female, is new." I smirked at him, as he thought, then smirked as well.

"I think I can help you."

The Silver Demon (Bill Cipher X Demon!Reader)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora