Chapter 3: She Knows

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I giggled evilly, that little meatbag's fear was delicious. I couldn't wait till I could watch as this universe burns, but I have to wait until I can get enough energy to do so. It shouldn't take too long, fear is easy to create.

The other dream demon looked at me like I was insane, which I am. I just gave him an innocent face. "What?" He growled lowly, summoned knives, and shot them at me. I sighed and teleported to the side, dodging them.

"Ya' know. . . . . it's rude to shoot at a lady, especially if she's distracted." I floated upwards, my form going back to my original one. I shot my eye toward the other demon and snapped my fingers, fire appeared around me, going for him.

He stayed completely still, letting the fire hit, and burn him. He laughed insanely, " Pain is hilarious! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!" I smirked at his words, but soon frowned, I could hear that other humans were coming, probably because of the screams.

"That's my que to to leave. Ta~ Ta~" I disappeared in a flash of black.

Bill Cipher's POV

I looked around, hearing the hollers of the Pines family calling out to Pine Tree. I sighed and snapped my fingers, teleporting me and the kid to them. "DIPPER!!! WHAT DID YOU DO TO HIM, BILL?!?!" Shooting Star screamed.

I scoffed and rolled my eyes. "I did nothing to him. This idiot summoned a dream demon, a pretty powerful one at that, and got her to attack him." Shooting Star and Fez looked at me skeptically, and Sixer picked him up.

"As much as I hate to say it, he's telling the truth. Bill can't use nightmare magic in the real world without going into the persons dream, and he's right here." Sixer explained with a sigh.

"Soooo then, shouldn't the demon who did this be inside Dippers head?" Shooting Star looked confused.

Sixer scowled. "Not this one, she shot him with something that affected his mental state while staying in this plain of existence. I don't think that this one is like a normal dream demon."

Everyone looked toward me, and I shrugged. "I don't know anything about thi- wait." I thought, this dream demon was a female, and I had never met her before, and I know every demon from the nightmare realm.

"Wait a moment, I have never ever seen this demon before." I mumbled under my breath. Sixer looked at me, his eyes widened in surprise.

"What? Aren't you like, a trillion years old and know everything?" Fez was clueless, as always, and I grimaced, he was right.

"Apparently not, wait where is the book she was summoned from?" I looked around, searching for anything that might let me know where the book had gone. When something caught my eye, something on Pine tree's shoulder.

"What is this?" I mumbled under my breath, floating downward to Sixer, who as holding Pine tree. I pulled his short sleeve up, only to fling a tattoo of a silver triangle with an eye in the middle look back at me.

"What the hell is that!?!?" Fez yelled, "And why does it look like you!?" He jabbed a finger at me. I didn't notice, I was too busy gawking at the tattoo, it looked like my symbol, but it was different. The black on it was thicker, and so was the eyelashes. It was also a different colour.

"Bill. . . ." Sixer looked at me. "It looks like this mysterious new demon, is somehow connected to whatever Bill is." Everyone looked shockingly at him, while I just stared at the mark, studying all the small details of it.

"WHAAAAAAAAT!?!?!?!?!? HOW IS THIS POSSIBLE??? AND HOW DID YOU KNOW!?!?" Shooting Star screamed at Sixer. He just shook his head, as if the answer were obvious.

"Mabel, I lived in the nightmare realm for 30 years. I know what I'm talking about."

"Now, the question is, what to do with Dipper and the new demon." They all looked at me.

"Find her, obviously."

(Hey guys! I'm sorry for the long wait! I hope you like it!😊
B signing out~)

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