chapter 2-meeting someone new

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Mugman walked inside, it was about mid light. The first thing he realized was the strong smell of cigar smoke. But he was used to it and liked it do to the familiarity of the smell. No one was overly drunk, sure some people looked liked they were on the verge of it. But everyone was lightly tipsy. 

And he wasn't here to get a massive hangover, only to relax. 

His nerves felt so... "on edge" recently. The incident that just happened really hadn't helped anything. He sat down at the bar table. The bar tender asked what he wanted and he told. Luckily he had brought along some coins. He was sure he heard the sound of light music in the background. But he wasn't positive due to the loud chatter of the other inhabitants left him listening. He didn't really want to be part of that atmosphere. 

He had only been here a few times in the past with Cuphead. He knew Cuphead was much more into drinking than he was. He had been drunk before and it wasn't fun and he was assuring himself that he wouldn't do it again.
It was late and he was tired. He laid his head down on the table. Feeling the fluids of his nose drip down his face. He only store at his resting hand on the table, the scenery around him was blurred.  

"Mugman? Is that you?" Someone asked. The voice was familiar. Someone he had met before. Then turning he saw the last person he would have expected.

This person was Goopy le Grande. Mugman had never met him outside that small battle he and Cuphead had engaged in. That was a while ago, though it wasn't so long.The bar tender had placed his drink next to his face, he nodded politely in thanks.

"Goopy." Mugman said flatly not really knowing the slime. He wasn't sure of his true nature.
Goopy nodded. "That is me. Say, uh...where is your brother aren't you two always together." Goopy asked, sitting a little closer. Mugman sighed, he wondered if Elder Kettle or Cuphead were worried about him. Or maybe he was more worried about them. "Hes, not here right now. I was... out and ended up here." He said, he didn't want to think about Cala right now the purpose of him coming here in the first place. He felt his arm quiver nervously in Goopy's presence.
He sat watching him talk. Great. Now he couldn't relax with him being here.

"Hey you alright, one to many?" Goopy said. Mugman shook his head, he looked down at his glass. "Nah first one actually." He said. 

There was another moment of silence between the two.
"Hmm. Why are you here? We both know your not here for the atmosphere." He proceeded to question Mugman. 

He didn't want to talk about it anything he could say to get away from this dumb conversation would be better. 

"I just here for the drinks." He said.

 Goopy nodded. "Sure, sure." He said as if he didn't believe him. Mugman giggled at that for some reason.  But he paused, might as well talk about it might help. 

He had just realized  he hadn't drank anything yet. It smelled gross, it was. He didn't particularly like the drink. It had an odd flavor. He had a weird relationship with alcohol. Mugman drank in an odd way, according to Cuphead. Poured it into his mug then drank it out of his straw. 

"I asked someone out..." Mugman cringing at those words, just saying them made him shutter with the idiotic thought he had. No way Cala Maria could ever want a guy like him. "They didn't like me though." He said sadly. 

Goopy nodded. "Oh. ive been there before." He said, but his expression didn't show anything deeper than his words. Maybe it was a long time ago, or such. Where the time overlapped the thought making it too far ago to give it another thought. 

"I just. I don't know I guess I knew I wasn't good enough on the inside." he said, holding his straw. 

"I don't know you much, but i think your a decent person. I can say that. I mean what you did to the devil wasn't something every random person does, you know that right. You freed our souls, I didn't even have the guts to do that. I think that is pretty cool don't you," Goopy said, this time with a lot more passion. It felt like an indirect thank you to Mugman. There was still some things that terrified him about that whole experience. It was nice to know what Goopy thought though. Even though, it barley made a mark on him. He still felt bad. Other than Cala, that was just another thing weighing on his shoulders again. One other think to make him not belive in himself, to lightly put it. 

Mugman realized he tensing up he breathed out again it was kind of nice hearing Goopy ramble for a bit. 

A while. And such, and the light was spinning and his heart was beating. He laughed, maybe cried or did both and he didn't know. 

How? Or what... uh... nevermind? 


"Mugman?" A echo like voice filled his ears. He had a minor headache it was awful. Though before he opened his eyes, he didn't really know where he was or where he was before this. He sat up, and felt the blood rush to his head. 

He realised that he was not far from his home, in the forest... near Goopy's home. He wondered what could have happened. 

"You passed out asleep." Goopy said their eyes watching Mugman. 

Mugman carefully pulled his jacked over his arms. Mugman looked at the sky, it was almost morning. Breathing in he stood up, but shakily only because he felt tired though. 

"Thanks Goopy." He said thanking the slime, he could see his house in the distance. He knew Elder Kettle would be very angry at him for being out so late. "No problem Mugman. If you ever need anything else just... tell me. Your a real light weight when it comes to drinking. I never saw anyone, get that drunk off so little." They said laughing a little to lighten the load but Mugman knew that he had probably revealed somethings. He guessed his plan for not getting drunk backfired. Embarrassed was probably the most likely word Mugman would describe himself as right now. 

Mugman held his shoulder, it was oddly sore. "Sorry about all this, it was really nice of you to do this." He tried walking forward but felt dizzy, Goopy jumped forward. "Here let me help you get you home." He smiled offering himself as a crutch for Mugman.  At the current moment with a clearer head. "So... what exactly was i like when i was drunk." He said, beginning a conversation now that he was in the mood. 

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