Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

I walked into the kitchen, where Lilah and Olivia were smiling as they spoke in hushed tones. It was still very early and I assumed that they didn't want to wake the others. On the table in front of them sat mugs filled with a dark brown liquid. The liquid smelled bitter, yet sweet. Steam rose from the mugs in the chilly air.

"Morning," I said as I took a seat at the table.

"Morning!" Lilah said. "Did you sleep well?"

"I've had better nights."

Lilah let out a small laugh. "I woke up this morning to find a wolf in the bed across from me."

"I take it you're missing your family?" Olivia asked me with a gentle smile upon her face. I nodded. "It'll get better with time." She reached over to place her hand on mine. "And if it doesn't, if you ever want to return, we'll help you find them."

"Thank you," I said.

Olivia nodded. "In the meantime, is there anything that I can get for you to eat? I know last night didn't go so well, but how about some fresh fruit? That shouldn't be too hard on your stomach."

"No thank you. I'm not very hungry."

"You sure?" she asked with concern, the way only a mother could.

"I'm sure," I said, giving her a small smile.

Mac shambled into the kitchen. "Morning, everyone." he greeted. He ladled himself a bowl of porridge from the pot on the stove, then took a seat in the chair straight across from me, beside his wife. "Rachel, I was thinking that you should go out with Lilah to get some new clothing. I'll pay for it course."

"Thank you," I said. Though Lilah didn't seem to mind, I was glad that I'd no longer have to hassle her for her clothes.

Speaking of Lilah, she reached across the table and held out her hand. "Credit card, please."

Mac let out a small chuckle. "Give me a minute to eat my breakfast. And remember, you're going shopping for Rachel, not you."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah," she said.

Quan walked in and sat down next to me. "Aw, is Lilah upset because she isn't getting her way?" he teased.

"Can it, brother," Lilah said, giving him a hard glare.

"Whatever," he said, and then he turned to me with a smile. I thought it may have looked a little flirtatious, but then maybe I was just imagining it. "Morning, Rachel."

"Good morning, Quan," I said, giving him a shy smile back in return.

"You see how he just ignores us as if we aren't here?" Lilah said to her parents, who just laughed.

"Yeah, what are we, chopped liver?" Mac asked.

"Good morning family, who I see every single day," Quan said.

Lilah shrugged. "Eh. Good enough."

I laughed. I liked Lilah, and I really could see the two of us becoming close friends. All of the Spencers seemed pretty okay. They had taken me in when I had needed it, and I was very grateful.

And Quan ... the truth was, I liked him very much. Lilah had picked up on it right away. So she was either very observant, or I was too obvious. Either way, part of me doubted that she was right about how Quan felt. Of course I was hopeful that she was right, but I had never even considered having a mate before. 

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