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"Idiot!" Nathan hung down his head in shame as Adam scolded him

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"Idiot!" Nathan hung down his head in shame as Adam scolded him. Nathan told Adam about him breaking up with Olivia. "Why? Why would you do this?" 

"Adam I had to do it! I was tearing their family apart! I'm not telling you details, but I had to!" Nathan started getting worked up. Adam sighed and shook his head, "I'm telling you this because I want the best for you and Olivia," He put his hands on Nathan's shoulders and looked at him in the eye, "You need to man up and apologize. If you still love her, then you're going to want to make this right." 

Nathan looked at Adam and nodded his head. He stood up and looked at Adam, "I'm going to fix this," Adam gave him an encouraging smile and nudged him along. 

Nathan walked up the stairs to his room, quietly entered and found Olivia quietly crying in Nathan's sweatshirt. He sat on the bed facing away from Olivia and started apologizing. 

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done that," he turned around and looked at Olivia, "I'm an idiot, I just don't want to cause problems, but I now see that running away only makes it worse. I thought I was protecting you, but really I was hurting you. Please forgive me." He closed his eyes and sighed. 

Olivia whispered, "I forgive you."

Nathan looked surprised, but he quickly changed his facial expression into a happy one. "I love you so much, more than you'll ever know."

"I love you too, Nathan. Come here." Nathan lied down beside Olivia and held her. Olivia felt happy for once again. 

*At the Exhibition*

Adam approached Nathan slowly, "So... did you guys fix things?" Nathan decided to play with Adam a little bit.

"No... she didn't forgive me, I hate myself..." 

Adam's eyes widened and gave Nathan a hug, "Oh, I'm so sorry Nathan, I'll help you guys figure it out. Everything's going to be okay." When Adam let go, he saw a huge smile plastered on Nathan's face. "Oh. My. Gosh. You little weasel! You scared me! So does that mean you guys are back together?" Nathan nodded slowly and smiled even wider, "Yes!" 

The skaters performing at the exhibition gave Adam weird looks before returning to their conversations, "oops," The two boys laughed and smiled as Olivia approached them. 

"Hey, guys!" Olivia gave Nathan a kiss and smiled at Adam, "So, what's up?"

Adam laughed nervously, "Um, nothing much, I-I got to go, but we'll talk later!"

"Is he okay?" Olivia asked

"Yeah, don't worry about it, I talked to him about our quarrel and I guess he doesn't know whether you're allowed to know about it or not." Nathan himself was nervous, he didn't even know whether Olivia was okay with him going to Adam for help, but he thought it would be better to tell her sooner than later. "That's funny, I'll let him know later that I'm fine with it." 

Nathan smiled, "Are you ready for your performance?"

"Oh, yeah, of course! I'm not doing any quads, you're not doing any quads, so there's nothing to be nervous about!" 

The two of them talked some more before the exhibition began. After all the performances ended, the 2018 Olympic team was announced.

Olivia smiled with glee as she looked up to see her saying how making the Olympic team would be a dream come true for her, she was happy and she had decided to ignore her dad's words. Nathan could tell she was thinking but decided to leave it. 

As the new team did their small number, Olivia kept looking at Nathan. She knew something was off with him, his mood seemed to change all of a sudden, yet she didn't know why. 

*Later that Night*

Olivia got ready for bed and then walked across the hall to Nathan's room. She usually spent the night in his room and she wanted to ever since the fight with her dad. Nathan heard the door open and turned around to see Olivia walking in. 

"Hey, you alright?"

"Yeah, I didn't want to sleep alone, could I sleep in your room tonight?" 

"Of course," They laid in bed together; both of them were thinking about their "breakup" earlier that day, "Olivia..."

Olivia turned to face Nathan and held his warm body closer to her, "Yeah?"

"I'm sorry, I made a promise to myself that I wouldn't hurt you, but it's clear that earlier today that I did."

"Nathan, it's okay, I understand, you were probably just as hurt as I was when my dad said we shouldn't be together. I'm determined to fix this, I want my relationship with my dad and you to be a great one, but I can't do that unless you help me. About that promises, you didn't break it, you were just frazzled and you were scared, I could tell Nathan. It's okay, we'll figure it out together." 

"I love you, Olivia, thanks for understanding." 

"I love you too, now, let's get some sleep, we have a flight tomorrow." Nathan smiled and kissed Olivia before closing his eyes. Olivia felt Nathan's grip around her tighten and she smiled. 

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