"Jahseh can you stop" I said in annoyance.

"Stop what?"

I sighed "Rubbing it up against me. You know that's a turn on for me but I can't have sex".

I could feel him getting irritated "Why not? We both heard the doctor specifically say that it was safe to still have sex while you're pregnant. So what's the problem?"

"I just want to be on the safe side. Doctors aren't always right."

"So what you're saying is that what you say is more correct than someone who's been to college for like four or five years and took classes about being a doctor?"

"I don't wanna take any chances. Pregnancy's go wrong all the time during sex."

"Name one person you know." At his words, I became silent. I guess I was just being to scared and paranoid.

I sighed. "Alright Jahseh. Fine."

He flipped me over and slid in me through the back til we both came moments later. I woke up at around almost 9pm. When pregnant, the doctor said that I would sleep long. I turned over and Jahseh wasn't by my side. I overheard the TV on in the den and thought that, that's where he was. I got out of bed and went into the living area. Jahseh wasn't nowhere to be found. I sighed turning off the TV. He knew I hated when he left and didn't turn it off.

I took me a bath, relaxing in the hot water with lots of bubbles. I was drifting off when I heard the door shut. "Lauren!" It was Jahseh.

"I'm in the tub!"

I heard footsteps coming. Jahseh opened the door. "Where have you been? And what have I told you about leaving the TV on." I asked.

"I went and got us steak, mash potatoes, and some other shit. We're about to celebrate."

I sat up, "Celebrate what?"

"I got a job."

My eyes lit up, "What! Where?"

"Ryan's CO. I clean up and wash big trucks and a whole lot more. Baby, they said my first check will be almost a thousand."

I reached over and gave him a huge hug. "Aw Jahseh I'm so proud of you. I always knew you would find something."

"I know. And again, I'm sorry for spazzing out on you the other night. It's been hard for me lately and I was frustrated. But to know that I can take care of you and my child just brings me so much joy." I then gave him a big kiss on the cheek. "Now hurry up and get this tub so we can celebrate and then I can get my desert."

"Oooh what did you bring for desert?"

"You", he stuck his tongue out.

I hit him on the arm laughing, "Why you gotta be so nasty?"


A few days later

I was out getting groceries for the house. Jahseh started his job today, which I was proud of, and me on the other hand was trying to get use to being a stay at home mother. Tina told me I didn't have to come back to work til I was healed from having my baby. I wasn't use to it yet but I knew that I'd have to.

I went to the snack aisle to pick up some things for Jahseh. I got him several kinds of chips including the variety bag and some candy. I also got finger food and frozen dinners for when I didn't feel like cooking. I was bending over getting some fish sticks when I heard a familiar voice call for me.

"Lauren?" I turned around and it was Dave. One of Jahseh's Co- workers from when he use to work at his old job. He was good people to us.

"Oh hey Dave. How's it going?"

"I've been good. And you?"

"I've been better. I'm here trying to pick up some things for Jahseh and I."

"Where is that little nucklehead anyway. Boy his was sure one of our best workers. It's a shame boss had to let him go."

"He has a new job down at Ryan's CO."

"Oh really? I'm glad to hear that." His face became more serious. "Lauren, can I ask you something."

I became concerned. "Sure Dave. What is it?"

"I don't mean to get in anybody's business but how long have Jahseh been on drugs?"

My heart skipped a few beats. "Excuse me, what? I don't know what you're talking about."

"He didn't tell you?"

"Tell me what, Dave."

He rubbed his hands over his face. "Look I'm sorry Lauren, I think you should ask him about this. I didn't know he didn't tell you."

My face became red. I was praying to God that this man was out of his mind and that Jahseh didn't get fired because he was using drugs.

I laughed without humor. "I can't believe he didn't tell me this."

"Look Lauren, whatever you do, don't do anything crazy. Just try to talk things out with him smoothly."

"Dave, as much as I want to, I can't. This is drugs we are talking about. I'm not gonna sugarcoat anything."

"Maybe there's a reason behind this. Is he stressing, going through anything at home?"

"No. We got into an argument the other night he was fired. A few days later, we made up. But that fight doesn't have anything to with why he got fired because the argument happened after." I stood there rubbing my forehead trying to keep my stress level down. "That's probably why he came home pissed that night he was let go."

"Could be. Look, whatever he's doing, talk to him because I'd hate to see him loose his girl, baby, and even life over drugs. I don't wanna see him go down like that."

I sighed, "Thanks Dave for the information."

On my way home, I prayed that this was just all a coincidence. I was shaking, something I found myself doing for a very long time whenever I'm nervous, pissed, scared, or eager.


It was 11pm going on 12am. Jahseh normally came home around this time. I kept pacing back and forth around the livingroom. I looked at the time which was 5 minutes til 12am. The more I thought about him doing drugs, the more I wanted to puke and just go insane. I then heard the door open. Jahseh walked in noticing my worried expression. I stopped pacing and stood there, not sure of how I wanted the question to approach.

"Lauren, what's wrong?", He stood there clueless of what was about to come.

I took a deep breath. I wasn't sure how this was going to come out. But I had to find out if he was lying to me this whole time. "Jahseh, I'm gonna ask you this. And I want the truth and nothing but the truth."

"What are you talking about?"

"I spoke with Dave today." I said only that hoping he would catch on to where I was going with this.

"Dave Hayles? One of my old co-workers?" His light skin face became pale, as if he kind of knew what I was talking about. "What were you doing talking to him? Was he over here?" He slightly raised his voice but I could tell that he was trying to maintain his temper. And so was I.

"No Jahseh. We ran into each other at the grocery store earlier."

"Oh. So what's going on."

"Jahseh, I'm going ask you this. Don't lie to me."

"Lauren what the fuck are you talking about." I soon realized that I hit a nerve so I needed to cut to the chase.

"Are you doing drugs?"

~Gosh! This chapter is kind of short. Don't worry though, things are about to get heated so stay tuned for chapter 17~


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