Chapter three +18

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It's Monday I forgot my charger but here the update next updates tonight

BidishaKarar n Surajlover u naughty two

Recap; Ragini shows some wildness. Hmm Sukor just didn't spare a moment.

Laksh was coming up to their bedroom. The door wasn't locked so he enters in.

Ragini was hiding her face on the pillow just not to meet his gaze.

Laksh was smiling at her n he saw her bare back which made him go crazy again n again. Should I or shouldn't I?! He thought but then he remembers how she tried to seduces him well not seduce but she tried something.

Ragini wasn't sure what was going on in her but she wanted him badly. She felt jealous that her sis could have that all n she couldn't do anything as she was scared.

Laksh unbutton his shirt

Laksh unbutton his shirt

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(Love this look 😍).

Laksh comes closer to his wife he sat on the bed without uttering a word he removes the shawl of hers n starts to stroke her back giving her wet kisses...

He unhook her blouse n starts to touch her... Ragini moans his name which increase his desire to give her the love he was holding back for so long.

Laksh hands were moving on her naked skin... from the back he moves them to her front side n squeezed her breast which made her moan in pleasure pain.

Ragini turns to Laksh n faced him. Without fear she starts to kiss his lips while he was trying more. He bites her she hissed but he enters her mouth with his tongue. They starts to kiss each other passionately. As they r not used to it they broke the kiss soon as of leak of oxygen...


Suraj n Chakor were busy in their work. Chakor was getting her cum... while Suraj was working on her... he stops in the middle n left her there... unfilled.

Chakor shocks. Suraj where r u? Come back!! We r not done yet.

Suraj went to the washroom n come back after having a cold shower.

Revenge is so sweet U know?!.

Chakor; No u didn't?! U didn't?!

Suraj; I did! He smirks n leaves her there unsatisfied.

Chakor was remembering the incident of a few days back. When Suraj asked her to ride him n she did n end just for fun before he could have his cum... well this was his revenge for her behaviour but even she can satisfy herself... but it doesn't make fun that much.

She was pissed... arrgg Suraj!!! I hate u!!

Suraj; No u love! He comes back with a tray with food.

Chakor; Suraj please continue u. I'm sorry I won't repeat this mistake ever again not even when we have a fight. Sex is sex no jokes on it.

Suraj thought but couldn't trust her words. Today U won't get anything from me! Eat if u want or sleep.

Chakor fall back on the bed n closed her eyes in the hope that he might come n fill her...


Ragini had removed his shirt n unbutton his pants. Laksh was quite faster than her he had removed her clothes completely.

Ragini was smiling her cheeks were red the blush was increasing as soon as he glare at her. The look he gives her always make her feel special he had seen her naked before but not that long n not that close.

Laksh; if u don't want I won't.... Ragini pulls him n places her lips on his... they could kiss longer now as they had time to learn... she was happy he too.

Laksh; Baacha it will hurt.., Ragini nods. I know that is my fear I was having but now I don't scare anymore I want u. Please I'm ready.

Laksh nods. He kisses her n slowly comforts her she was giving herself to him... he enters her with love...

Ragini scream in pain which soon changed in his name Laksh...


Haan short I know charge nahi hai.

I will try to update soon again
N ya it will end also in a few chapters

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