Part 26

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you open the door for some reason it was unlocked. You walked in and saw dirty dishes everywhere

You sighed and walked into the kitchen you hated being as short as you were because if you remember correctly some guy turned you into an experiment.... and now you can't age. You weren't happy with that.

You looked at the mess in  front of you, you looked around and gathered up the dishes then started doing dishes. 


you looked around and felt satisfied with yourself. You looked at the time to see it was only 7:00 you went upstairs to go to bed but get stopped by a drunk obito you're not quite sure how this happened or why he was passed out on the floor but you didn't want to wake him so you stepped over him into your room.

you walked into your room to see it untouched dusty all you could see were the foot prints of when you were last in here. You dusted your bed and climbed in, you could here stumbling  outside and then a bang against your door.

You saw the door swing open and drunk obito acidentally stumble into the room and plop down on your bed. You layed still hopping he wouldn't notice you but..."this bed is lumpy..."You hear him say as he lifts the covers to see you.

"Imaginary Y/n?" he said and looked at his sake bottle "How much of this shit did I drink..." he said then turned over to touch your face. As soon as hid hand touched your face you spoke his name "obito..." 

He looked at you with wide eyes "Y-y/n?" he said suddenly then pulls you into a tight hug. "Y/n, Oh my kyuubi what happened to you?" he asks "I don't know I just woke up this was what I've become" you say a small tear in your eyes.

He strokes your hair as you blush. "Y/n I love you please don't ever leave me again"

I'll See You Again (Kakashi x Reader x Obito)Where stories live. Discover now