Pray For Humboldt - 2

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Hello everyone.

It's Ali here and I just wanted to say thank you.

Thank you for reading this tiny short story on the Humboldt Broncos.

It was a tragedy. I started crying because of it, even though I knew no one from that hockey team, but I felt like we were connected, since the hockey team players are Canadians and I'm Canadian.

Many of you won't experience something like this in your life. Many of you won't even be in a car or a bus crash. That's why I wrote this. To show you all what it would've felt like.

The Humboldt crash was devastating. 15 dead, 14 injured and 2 in critical condition. There may be more in critical condition though.

Seeing as this happened, it made me wonder how the people were coping with this. How the parents, best friends, girlfriends, maybe boyfriends, siblings and friends are coping with it. It made me want to write this.

My thoughts, prayers and everything goes out to the Humboldt community. To the parents. To the girlfriends and friends and best friends and siblings. But most importantly to the hockey players.

I wish all the injured hockey players to make a speedy recovery, and for the deceased to live another life peacefully.

You will forever be in our hearts. Never forgotten.

If you want to donate to the Humboldt Broncos, the link to the go fund me page will be here and in my bio.

Just copy the link into your browser and donate, if you want to.

Also, tell your friends, parents and everyone important to you that you love them. Tell them that often. Because you never know when something bad will strike and they may be taken away from you.

I love you all. Stay safe.


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