Chapter Six

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Optic shivered as she stared around in the parking garage. That's what it was- but this one was desolate. There were parts of cars and machines strewn everywhere, it looked almost like Gear's room. The only thing was that it didn't feel... Alive. It was as if not even a cockroach had made its home here. It was silent, save for a faint humming that seemed to come from below her. A red "1" was spray painted on the cold cement wall in bold, bloody red. It seemed to almost stare her back in the face, the slightly faded paint throbbing dully in her vision. It made her head hurt, and her twitchy fingers move even more, so she tore her gaze away. She picked her way silently through the machinery parts, making it to a door that was at the opposite side of the garage level. It was made of cool steel, plain and a push door. Optic pushed gently on it, and it almost shrieked at the sudden movement. Biting back her wince, she pushed through as silently as she could. The metal bit into her skin with its cold, and it reminded her of a barren tundra caught in a blizzard, this place.

It was so cold.

As she slipped into the stairwell room, she peered down the steps and saw a door marred with a black "2" two flights of stairs beneath her. The smell of what reminded her of a hospital invaded her senses for a second, and she flinched painful memories surfacing. She slowed her breathing, willing her fingers to stop twitching as much as they were. She loosed a soft snarl, cracking her knuckles, and gaining a hold on her memories and forcing them down into a small, dark corner in her mind. The smell lessened, and she was able to begin walking downwards. She clutched the metal railing that had peeling yellow paint, rust beneath it. The steps were cement, and she kept her footfalls soft. She surveyed her surroundings, even glanced over her shoulder. She reached the door, and crouched.
Slowly raising herself as she made her way to the edge of the door, slowly raising up from her crouch to peer through the glass.

Shock slammed through her body, and she was paralyzed. She didn't know what to think- didn't know what to do with her muscles. She couldn't remember how to use them. There were children, all in at least reasonable sized cages. Most of them were passed out, tubes and wires connecting all over. They were still in torn clothing, and some had scratches all over them. The one thing that was similar in all of them, at least, was the collar around their neck.
It's light was dull, not on.

Optic's hand went up to her throat, as if she could feel the metal sitting there, weighing down on her. She blew out a slow breath and swallowed, seeing what could through the sliver of glass that allowed her to see some of the room. Some kids were in tubes filled with some blue liquid, masks on their face. It probably helped them breathe. Their limbs were odd and spindly, or there was something off about them. There were only about three.
These kids and teenagers, they were all lab rats. Whoever the person working the experiments on them was, they were not right in the attic. Optic continued to survey, and shook her head. It looked like an experimental hospital, but still in the parking garage format. There was a cage for every row where a car should've sat. Instead, there were only cold, unrelenting silver metal cages that mockingly showed the reflection of their residents. Another shudder ripped through Optic's body, it was horrifying. Her hand stayed at her throat as she stared.

The back of her head gave a sharp bark of pain, and she bit back her cry. Her hair had suddenly been pulled back, and her eyes stung with tears from the pain. She was stock still, the shock of seeing everything still not keeping her on her toes. Her attacker pulled her head back, staring down at her. Her gaze collided with his, and he tilted his head to one side. His eyes were a greyish blue, like chips of ice and cement. His hair was blonde, almost platinum, and cut short roughly, as if he had used a knife to cut it. A ragged scar twisted down his right cheek crudely, as if a talon or knife had scratched it. He had a smile on his face, and it turned her blood to ice. That's when she finally felt movement surge into her body. She kicked and struggled, causing pain to bite down on her scalp. She yowled like an animal, biting his hand. He barely flinched as her teeth left small purple marks. He was wearing a lab coat, she noticed, just as a sharp pain stung her left cheek. Her struggling paused as she registered the pain, but adrenaline was still rushing through her body. She kicked and struggled more, but suddenly her air was choked off. She struggled, her mouth opening and closing like a fish. Her captor had slammed his foot into her stomach, causing her to become winded. The last thing she saw was the shark's smile on his mouth as her world went dark.

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