Bitchy Quotes

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*Bitch please,
My phone battery
last longer than your relationships.

Beautiful, Intelligent,
Talented, Charming and HOT!

*I am a nice person.
Just don't push the
Bitch button.

*Bitch please!
You are so fake,
even China denied
they made you!

*Bitch please!
I can remove 90%
Of your 'Beauty'
with a wet towel.

*Bitch please,
Your birth certificate
is an apology letter
from the condom factory.

*You think you are strong?
Bitch please, I go out with no
make on.

*Maybe you should
eat your makeup
so you can try and
be pretty on the inside, bitch!

*There is always going
to be that Bitch you'll
feel to urge to punch in the face
every time you see her.

*Bitch I'm not
Insulting you, I'm
describing you.

*Bitch, I would
slap you but
shit splatters.

*Dear Bitch, If I
offend you in any
way, please let me know
so I can do it again!

*Zombies are looking
for brains, don't worry
your safe, Bitch!

*One minute of
kissing burns 26
calories. No wonder
that Bitch is so skinny.

*Call me a bitch
one more time and
I'll show what a real
one is.

*Bitch, please move
away from the sunlight,
I hate the smell of
burning plastic.

*Bitch please,
Your legs are like McDonald's
open 24/7.

*Bitch your so fake
You make Barbie look
so real.

*Bitch please,
the world doesn't revolve around you.

*Bitch please,
your vagina has more user
than facebook.

*Some people are so fake
even Barbie is jealous.

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