4.1 - You Ruin Me, I Ruin You

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Jake's POV:

I was furious but I wanted to fall apart and sob. I wanted to pick something but I wanted to bury my face in my pillow and soak it with my tears. I didn't even realize my fists were clenched until I got to the car. And then I snapped back into reality and remembered Banks. (If I ever refer to someone in the future as Ricky, if you don't know Banks' real name is Ricky.) I had picked up Banks at his house so he didn't have a car to drive home in. We looked at each other and silently agreed that I would drive him to his house. I got into the driver seat holding back tears and Banks got into the passenger seat. The drive wasn't actually that bad but it felt like a hundred years. No words were spoken except for a "bye" that we exchanged when I dropped him off. Once he was inside the house everything that happened hit me like a boulder. I've been holding them in for too long. I have been broken by her before but I guess she just makes me fragile, like glass. When she does anything that vaguely hurts me it's like she takes a baseball bat to the glass of my heart and soul. And now I'm sitting here, a mess, just a pile of shards of glass. I start to silently cry and I turn off the engine. I rest my arms on the steering wheel and I lay my head down in my arms. I sob for I don't know how long and I finally open my eyes. I just have puffy red eyes and my cheeks just be stained with tears but I don't care. I need to get out of here and go home. I drive home. I take a deep breath as I get out of my car and I brace myself for the swarm of people asking where I've been and what I looked like I did. I get inside and I'm instantly greeted by Erika but I push her away without saying anything and everything is blurry except for the path to my room. I'm not aware of the blurs of people that approach me and I do whatever it takes to get to my room. I run up the stairs faster than I have done ever before. I entered my room and close the door and lock it. My sadness turns to anger and I remember my promise to my backstabbing, asshole of a brother. My anger takes control and I punch a pillow and make and absolute mess of my room. I try to clear up my head about what exactly happened and I figure out that I was trying to prank Logan and Banks was helping me, Alissa was fucking Logan...I grit my teeth. Wait. I was doing the prank for my vlog which means I was filming them fucking by accident so, I have footage. All I need to do it censor some of it or maybe just take a screenshot some of it so I won't get my video taken down my YouTube. Keemstar better get his ass ready. Logan Alexander Paul, you are canceled. I crack my neck and knuckles and get to work.


Ricky's POV:

(Sorry if the chain of events for the both of them are a lil' similar; ⚠️WARNING⚠️, there are curse words but they have *s)

I walk in my door after a long ass car ride with the enemy back home. Immediately after I come back Rice comes up to me and assess the situation before asking, "Yo where's Alissa?" I don't mean to be rude but what ends up coming out of my mouth sounds really rude. "F**k off dude" I tell him and I storm up my stairs while running my hands through my hair and wanting to punch Logan Paul straight in his stupid face.Islam my door shut and see all of Alissa's stuff which makes me even more mad but I still miss her. No Ricky, I tell myself. You can't do this. She cheated on you and you can never let her back in here again, she's out of clout gang, the relationship is over, it's done. But there's this one part of my brain that tells me not to let go, to keep trying. She told me how hard it was for her when Jake kicked her out and now I've done the same thing to her, but for a good reason. Right? There was absolutely no reason for Jake to kick out Alissa ever, he was the abusive and cheating one, right? It breaks my heart to even think that Alissa could've done something to make Jake kick her out. The kid was irrational and my baby is an angel, nothing happened. Sh*t! Don't even think about her as your "baby" anymore! I can't believe she came crawling back to the Pauls, after everything I'd done for her. That b*tch. It pained me to think of her as a b*tch. She hadn't done anything to hurt anyone, right? I realized I had been pacing around the room and I stopped to sit on the edge of my bed. I placed my head in my palms and I let a tear roll down my cheek and onto the floor. What the f**k had she done? With her whole life, with everything she had. I took my head out of my palms and I laid the upper half of my body on my bed and sighed. I started at the ceiling and thought about everything that the Paul brothers had done to me, my friends, and my ex-girlfriend and before long I snapped back into it and realized my fists were clenched. I wanted to punch them both in the face so hard that they would pass out. Those sons of a b***h. I laid there for a while, thinking about all the things I could do to those kids to ruin their f***ing lives. After I bit I slowly closed my eyes and I drifted off to sleep.

So they're pissed. Next part will have LALISSA in it, I promise.

New beginnings ~ LALISSA // Smut warning// DISCONTINUED Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt