I quickly went to the parking lot of the school. I went to the car.The Beast have it to me. I know why tho he favored me.I never commented on why but I had a feeling it was because I was their when he found my mom.

      We get into the car and stopped at the gates of the school. "Verification." On of the guards said. I put out my wrist and let him scan it, he scanned my sisters wrist to before opening the gates. "When we get home I want you to be careful,remember what I always tell you don't ever show your emotions towards him,no matter what."

      "I know Camila." My sister looked just like me.Same red hair,tall,except one thing our eyes, I had my moms eyes meanwhile she had dads hazel eyes. Maybe that's why the beast didn't like her. He always looked at her in disgust.

     I stopped the car again in the gate entry to the city."Verification."Holding out my wrist again and letting him scan it before doing the same thing to my sister."Pass."

     I drive into the parking lot.If I didn't live with the beast I would have loved the house. Turning off the car before grabbing my backpack I lock the car and head towards the door.The second I open it,I see it staring at me.

    "Puppy" he smiled at me and opened his arms. I slowly walked into his arms before letting him hug me. My sister closed the door behind her. "How was school." He smiled at me before glancing at my sister.

     "Fine...."I quickly get out of his arms to stand next to my sister."What about you Janelle." He was looking at my sister.

      "Great papa" She our on a fake smile.He smiled at her."That's great,well your mother is making dinner,go and get dressed." I slowly started walking,but something grabbed my arm. "Puppy what did I tell you to call me."

    Oh hell nah.I thought.The second he saw that I wasn't answering he tightened his grip on me."Papa."He smiled before letting me go. My sister was watching the whole thing.

    I made sure my sister was in front of me as we went up the stairs. Watching her going into her room which is next to mine. Then after I go into mine to change. Putting on some sweatpants and a shirt. Then putting my hair into a messy bun I go into the restroom to wash my face real quick.

    "You should start calling him that Camila,I don't want him to hurt you." Janelle whispered. We shared a restroom it was in the middle of the rooms. It's what separated us.

     "I will Janelle." No I won't,never. "I'm serious Camila,please do it,if not for me do it for mom." I glance at her before nodding my head.I walk out the room to go and put on some socks with my Nike sandals.

     I walk down the stairs and into the kitchen. I see Janelle and the beast sitting on the table and my mom fixing up the food. "Do you need help mother." I look at her and see the beast grin up at me from the corner of my eyes.

    "My sweet puppy always helping." He smiled at me." Can you pass out the salad dear." My mother handed me the salad as I went to go and serve it to the four plates. I grab the homemade lemonade, and bring it to the table,before sitting down next to Janelle.

      I wait for my mom to come and sit down. My mom come with the lasagna,setting it on the tables before sitting down next to the beast. In front of me. The beast serves himself and my mom food and lemonade before we do.

   "Are you girls ready for the hunt tomorrow." No never am but I don't have a decision if I want to go. "Yes papa"Janelle said. He stared at me as I ate the food. Waiting for an answer. I felt my mom kick me. " Yes papa."

"You will make a great mate puppy." He was smiling proudly at me."Janelle since it is your first time in the hunt, I expect you to behave." He stared at my sister as she looked at my before looking at him.Nodding at him.

After finishing up the lunch me and Janelle help mom clean up. I saw the beast grab moms arm." Girls we will be in our room clean the rest up by yourself." My mom glanced at me wearily before being dragged up the stairs into their room.

I washed up all the dishes and cleaned the stove.Meanwhile Janelle cleaned up the table. I waited for her to finish before going up to our rooms.

As I laid down I wondered of the hunt tomorrow. I hope I don't get a mate. I pray every night to god that he never gives me a cruel mate. I've seen the scars on my mom and I have heard her screams.

I turn on the lamp in my room before laying down. After taking a shower and brushing my teeth I get in the bed. I turn off the lamp. Closing my eyes and trying to go to sleep.

Unloving Beast Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum