Blame- Muke Kidfic

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Luke - 3
Michael - 4
Ashton - Dada
Calum - Daddy

3rd Person POV

Luke and Michael had a love/hate relationship. Unfortunately for their Daddies, it was mostly that hate side. Luke was a quiet, well-behaved boy who always did what his Daddies asked him to do. Michael on the other hand was a good boy really but he could be naughty when he didn't get his own way and he often used him being slightly older than Luke to his advantage, which Luke would let him do as he was a good boy.

Michael was grumpy this morning, having not slept well that night. He didn't want to eat pancakes, he wanted to be in bed, but instead he was having to sit next to Luke while he ate messily and talked noisily about something Michael didn't care about. While their Daddies were distracted, Michael hit Luke's thigh under the table, making Luke cry out as both his Daddies instantly began asking if he was alright.
"I ok, just banged knee" Luke said, wiping his eyes, sticking up for Michael as he didn't want to get Michael in trouble.

After breakfast, their Daddies had to work, Ashton being in his office and Calum being in their bedroom, so Michael and Luke were left to play in the living room. Luke was happily playing with his red car until Michael came and took it from Luke, despite him having his own blue car next to him.
"Mikey, give it back, it's mine" Luke whined, reaching out for it.
"Too bad, it's mine now" Michael said, teasing Luke.

This happened all morning, whatever Luke was playing with, Michael decided he wanted to play with that and Luke being the good boy he is, he let him and Luke got another toy. Eventually, Luke had enough and began to colour in his colouring book on the coffee table. Michael grabbed some pens and began scribbling on the white walls.
"Mikey" Luke said, about to tell Michael not to do that.
"What Luke" Michael spoke aggressively, stopping drawing for a second to glare at Luke.
"Nothing" Luke said, looking down to avoid Michael's glare. Michael gave him a strange look before muttering an insult he had picked up from his Daddy and going back to playing with his (and Luke's) toys.

Both boys eventually forgot about the drawings on the wall and continued to play separately, not think about the footsteps coming down the stairs and entering the living room.
"Boys" Ashton yelled. "Tell Dada what happened to that wall right now or else you'll both be in trouble" He spoke sternly, looking at both his boys and seeing that Michael was playing with cars and Luke was colouring as if nothing was going on.
"Boys, I'll ask one more time, who did that" Ashton spoke slowly, pointing at the wall.
"Wasn't me" Michael said, acting innocent.

"Luke" Ashton yelled, making Luke jump and look up at his Dada. "How dare you draw on the walls. I am so disappointed in you an Daddy will be too, go upstairs and don't come down until I tell you to" Ashton said as Luke ran (as quickly as a 3 yr old could) up the stairs and into his and Michael's shared bedroom before crying loudly, cuddling his penguin teddy.

Calum had heard the yelling from the bedroom and he could hear Luke crying from across the hall.
"What happened buddy?" Calum asked, sitting on Luke's bed and rubbing his back to calm him down.
"Mikey kept taking all my toys when I wanted to play with them so I colour and Mikey drawed on the walls and when Dada came down he yelled at me" Luke explained through his tears, still cuddling his teddy.
"Do you want to come with Daddy to my room while I work" Calum asked as Luke nodded in response.

Calum picked him up, making sure he had his teddy, and carried him into the bedroom, lying him down on the bed. Luke cuddled into his side and slowly fell asleep while Calum worked on his laptop.

"Cal?" Ashton said, getting Calum's attention.
"Yeah" Calum spoke quietly, trying not to wake Luke up.
"Why is Luke in here, he's meant to be being punished for wrecking the walls and you're here rewarding him" Ashton spoke loudly as Luke stirred slightly and cuddled more into Calum.
"Ashton, do you really think Luke would do that?" Calum asked Ashton as Luke woke up and held onto his Daddy for protection.
"Michael said he he didn't do it and Luke wouldn't look at me" Ashton explained to Calum as Luke whimpered, not wanting his Dada to be mad at him again.
"Ash, it honestly wasn't Luke, Michael had been taking Luke's toys all day and didn't say anything cause he didn't want to get Michael in trouble." Calum said.
"Is that true buddy?" Ashton asked as Luke nodded but was still holding onto his Daddy for comfort
"I'm so sorry bud, but I need to go have a word with Mikey" Ashton said, giving Luke a quick hug before going downstairs.

A few minutes later, Ashton led Michael into the bedroom where Calum was still hugging Luke as they watched a kids TV show on his laptop.
"What do you have to say to Lukey, Mikey?" Ashton asked, nudging Michael.
"Sorry Lukey" Michael grumbled as Ashton sat him on the naughty step, twice as long as normal for lying.

After Michael's punishment, both boys watched TV with their Daddies, Ashton and Calum enjoying the peace while it lasted, knowing that soon Michael would be causing some form of trouble again and it would most likely be Luke on the receiving end.

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