Time heals all wounds

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Three years had passed since the incident on that mountain and since that day the two were really inseparable. Together they explored the rest of the world Kayden taking his pictures and Kya learning everything she could about wildlife and nature. Everything was perfect for the two explorers. They purchased a small cabin deep in the woods of Montana, the rare occasions they weren't traveling, where life seemed it would go on perfectly forever. Sure they had their couple's moments....which really means they fought,a lot. The conflict always building like a campfire then slowly sizzling to ash followed by make-up sex. This was their pattern of life it was comfortable and adventurous.

Kya's head leaned on the back of the couch, reflection of the fire flickering across her sharp features as an awful but entertaining horror movie played out. Kayden's head was by her feet,legs up and over the side of the couch across Kya's lap. She was rubbing his bad knee subconsciously as he slept peacefully through the movie. He could never stay awake through a full film. Too stubborn to relax Kayden never stayed in one place long enough for proper healing and therapy and the joint was never the same,of course which never stopped him from his dangerous and exciting endeavors.

Yawning, the film ended and of course everyone died. The movie was really terrible she thought again,glad that was how she spent her evening. Kya slid out from underneath her lovers long tanned legs and positioned herself sideways in between the couch cushions and Kayden,practically cheek to cheek, a weeks worth of blonde scruff brushing her smooth cheek. She gifted him a small peck on his forehead and he stirred, cracking open one earthy blue eye.

"Hey,baby." His low voice croaked heavily saturated with sleep.

"Mm." She responded tiredly, "you want to head off to bed or what?"

"How'd it end? Wait lemme guess,everyone died?" Kayden predicted with that boyish grin.

"How'd you know." She smiled draping a leg over him. He chuckled and kissed her forehead.

"That's how they all end." He added knowingly.Kya sat up with a sigh looking down at her fully grown puppy-man.

"Come on." She tugged at his shorts the only piece of clothing he had on. He groaned burying his face into her lap.

"Mmm. Can't we just stay here? It's cozy." Kya tilted her head and looked down like a mother to a child. She stepped over him and onto the floor grabbing an arm and dragging him off the worn couch. He put one foot and the ground and dragged himself up like a rag doll one arm around his girl. Together they walked up to their bed and both flopped onto the bed.

Soon enough, Kayden was again sound asleep yet Kya laid awake staring at the dark ceiling. She was scared. Not of scaling any mountain or exploring the white waters of deadly rivers but of life her life outside of getting lost in mother nature's realm. Tomorrow her father wanted her and Kayden over for dinner...to meet his fiancé Mary. It was the first serious relationship since her mother who walked out just after she was born. She felt uneasy about the woman not even considering the fact that Kayden didn't exactly,get along with her father.

Rolling over onto her side she looked at the sleeping man beside her,running a hand through his bleached hair with a sigh.

"If only he saw what I see in you..."

Kya woke to the smell bacon distinct in its greasiness. Her stomach growled and she sat up,dark hair in a rats nest around her head. She slid out of the room to find Kayden with his back to her nodding his head to the music he had playing from the speakers beside the stove,tending to a sizzling pan of bacon and eggs. Her heart swelled with love for this reckless boy she had met. Coming behind him she wrapped her arms around his waist taking in a long breath he smelt of pine and dirt with a little sweat.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08, 2018 ⏰

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