What If I Told You That I Kinda Love You?

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Chance stared down into his latté, not bothering to listen to the babbling of his girlfriend about her day of shopping. Gigi and Sarah, her two cute friends, that he knew for a fact that she verbally and physichologically abused, sat on either side of her at their table inside the Worth Avenue Starbucks.

"Well, then I went to Gucci as a last resort but after that I went to..."

He wondered when she would give up and just drink her coffee like a normal person would. Like she had invited him to get coffee with them after he hung up with Bree. It wasn't fair to him that his girlfriend was a motormouth, and he couldn't understand why the other two were able to listen so intently without wanting to fall asleep. Well, it must be girl stuff, he thought, swirling his thin straw in the steamy brown liquid.

"Chance dear, you haven't spoken a word to me since we've been here. Is something wrong?"

Chance looked up drowsily to see the three girls staring at him curiously. Kit put her hand on his, but as a reflex he pulled away. She scoweled at him. Gigi looked away from them two and began to nervously run her fingers through her dark, brownish black hair. Sarah took a sip of her coffee but kept both eyes keenly on the scene before them.

"Uh, no.." He said, flipping back his hair from his eyes. He noticed that she was frowning at him. Chance smiled at her sweetly, and continued, "I couldn't be better. After all, I am lucky enough to have the best girlfriend in the world." That's it, he contemplated, giving himself a silent congraduations on killing an awkard moment.

Kit's eyes fluttered and she grinned. "I don't know what I'd do without you," she said is a low, whisphery voice. It was apparent to Chance that she was trying to sound sexy.

"You guys are officially the cutiest couple ever," Gigi burbled over her drink.

Afterwards, Kit continued on with "super exciting" story about dress shopping, and Chance slipped back into his thoughts which she had broken seconds ago when she touched him. But all that could come to mind was..Bree. There she was before him, like a beautifully serene angel offering her hand to take him with her to his personal heaven. The celestial sun gleamed in her gold hair and her playful blue eyes told him that she was waiting for him.

Then it all became apparent to him: He was in love with Bree. Deeply, irrevocably, in love with her, and well, he sorta loved Kit. She made his heart leap and his life better when ever they were together. He felt this intense bond with her that he had never felt with Kit before. And he was sure Kit had never felt it either, but she still went on like they were meant to be together forever. He knew that she noticed the way he acted around Bree, but she would push it aside and act like it wasn't happening.

Kit tapped him, again looking into his eyes earnestly. It was a look of love and understanding. But Chance knew that she couldn't possibly understand it. He wanted to tell her how he felt but..he just couldn't. He had feelings for Kit; they weren't as strong as his for Bree were but they were still there. Kit was just so beautiful with her lovely face and emotional eyes. His eyes didn't want to let them go.

"We have to go now," she said, tugging slightly on the sleeve of his Lacoste Polo shirt. She smiled and leaned over the table to give him a light kiss on the lips.

"Really?" he asked dazedly, replaying over and over again in his head. Did it really mean something?

"Yes. I have to go home and get dressed. I'll see you in a few, though," Kit said, gathering up her belongings. She poured out her undrinken coffee into the pant next to their table before Chance could offer to take it off her hands.

"Bye, Chance," Gigi and Sarah exclaimed, nearly in perfect unison. "See you tonight," Sarah added with a slight smile.

Something seemed very bittersweet about the moment, but he couldn't seem to figure out why.

"Bye, guys." Chance gave them a weak wave as the three girls walked out the door. Kit turned behind, and gave him a lasting look.

"Chance?" Kit called from the door, and he looked around to see if anyone was watching them. There were a few interested eyes on the two as she walked back to the table and sat down. But why wouldn't they look at them, after all, they were beautiful.

"Are you coming?" Gigi asked, but Kit gave her a certain look that told her "get lost, I need to have a meaningful moment with my boyfriend." Gigi complied.

"Um, I wanted to say one thing to you before I left," Kit said, giving him another one of those sweet, naive looks that made him want to cry. What a sap! He nodded to her; silently noting her to go on.

"I love you," she said softly while looking straight at his face, but she quickly averted her vision when she saw the shock and depression in his eyes. She seemed to gather up more courage to continue, but he stopped her with a touch of his hand.

Chance sat for moment, hushed, suddenly unsure of what to say. There was so much he wanted to tell her, like his confusion over his feelings for Bree, but also how he still loved Kit, and that he wanted so badly to express, in words to her, all the emotions he was feeling in his heart and all the crazy thoughts that flooded his head, but how he just couldn't. For some reason.

Kit intimidated him to the point that he was unable to be honest with her about how he felt. But here she was now, looking so kind and understanding, but he knew what he really needed to say would break her heart. Into a million, cagillion little broken pieces like a soft sprinkling of glitter on the ground.

Sitting there right before her, he knew that now was the right time to tell her the truth. It was all over now. He could not avoid the problem any longer. As he mentally prepared to tell Kit that he had feelings for not only her, but someone else too, when he froze and squeezed his eyes shut tightly. What am I doing?! He loved Kit. But he loved Bree more. But Kit was his girlfriend, and he wasn't going to do this.

"Ditto," Chance said, sounding more nonchalant than he wished to. He did love her. It was so confusing. He looked down into his lap wishing she would just disappear already.

Great, its like Ghost all over again. Except Demi Moore has an expensive haircut from Salon Margrits and Patrick Swayze drives a 200,000 dollar car. That's Palm Beach drama for ya!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2010 ⏰

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