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Closing the front door behind her, Lizzy stopped for a second and wiped away the remainder of her tears. She closed her eyes, leaning her head back onto the door. Everything is just so messy, Lizzy thought to herself.
'Is everything okay Elizabeth, honey?' Her Mom said, emerging from the kitchen.
'Oh, hey Mom. Yeah I'm okay' She responded with a faint smile and laugh, walking away from the door and towards her.
'Where's Dad?' Lizzy asked
'Just sitting in the back yard' Her Mom said, accompanied by a flash of a counterfeit smile, 'I'm just going to put dinner on okay honey' She said before walking back into the kitchen.
'Okay' Lizzy responded, walking towards the sofa.  As she did, she stared out of the window for a few seconds which overlooked the front yard. As she stood there, sighing over the difficulties of the day so far, Lizzy watched Ace's car quickly park up in her drive. He must have went straight to the car after they bumped into each other on the street and drove straight to her house.
Quickly, Lizzy ran out towards Ace's car as he slammed the car door hard and began to walk towards Lizzy.
'What the hell ar-' Lizzy attempted to say.
'You think you can just speak to me like that because of those faggots? Do you have any idea who the fuck you're speaking to?!' Ace shouted.
'Ace, Ace please be quiet' Lizzy pleaded, moving closer to him and making glances back to the house, 'please' she added.
'Look' Lizzy began, 'I should have explained myself more, okay and I will but not here, not now, okay I'm really sorry, I was angry. I don't know, I just felt like I was stupid for seeing a different side to you that that they don't see. Look please just leave and I'll find you some other time ok-'
'Elizabeth!' Her father shouted, exiting the front door, 'What the hell is going on here?'
Lizzy shot a panicked look to Ace, which he seemed to have recognised, before turning round and walking towards her father.
'Dad, um...'
'Who the hell is this?' He asked in an angry tone, gesturing towards Ace who appeared to want to square up to her father for a brief moment but then became more relaxed.
'Hello, Mr Williams, pleased to meet you, my name is, John' Ace spoke up after a few seconds, followed by a fake, warm smile.
'What the hell do you want here then, John?' Lizzy's father quickly replied with.
'I work at the library, Elizabeth borrowed a book and we just need it back urgently that's all. Nothing to do with her, just a filing issue on behalf of the library's fault' Ace answered, flowing with confidence, even though it didn't entirely make sense.
Lizzy undertook in a few glances between Ace and her father, in an attempt to make out if he believed Ace's story.
'What book?' Her father asked after a few seconds, causing Ace to look quickly at Lizzy in the hope for some help.
'The Great Gatsby' She responded without missing a beat. Ace nodded.
'Okay' Her father said hesitantly, 'you go in and get it' he directed to Lizzy. It seemed he believed Ace's story.
Luckily, the book was only in the front room and so Lizzy didn't have to leave her Dad and Ace alone for too long.
Around thirty seconds later, Lizzy emerged from the house to find silence from the two men. Thank God, she thought to herself over the idea that they hadn't spoke to one another.
Lizzy made her way over to Ace, politely handing him the book while mouthing a quick, thank you since her father could only see the back of her head. In return, Ace offered a quick nod.
'Thank you for your time' He loudly said, looking at Lizzy and then her father, before making his way back to his car and driving off.
'No more borrowing books from that library. I'm not having people driving up to my house all the time' Lizzy's Dad told her sternly.
'Okay' She simply replied with, walking back into the house with him.
That night, Lizzy lay in her bed more confused than ever. In the matter of a day she had went from enjoying spending time with Ace so much to being extremely angry with him and never wanting to see him again to now gratitude. If it wasn't for Ace, that situation with her Dad could have gone so terribly. Suddenly she didn't feel the need to lie to herself about how she felt. Lizzy couldn't help but feel the need to talk to Ace, she longed for his company, to tell him how she really felt. The truth was, no matter how bad or dangerous he appeared, she felt incredibly attached to him. She felt like she knew him in a completely different way to everyone else even thought in reality she hadn't known him that long. I have to speak to him, she said to herself. That night she promised herself she would, as soon as she had the opportunity.

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