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'See you later girls' Eyeball jeered to Gordie and Chris, waving his fingers to gesture a goodbye before turning back to walk with Ace.
Ace looked up to Gordie's hat which Eyeball had decided to wear. In one swift motion he snatched it from Eyeball's head and threw it into the bin next to them. Seeing what Ace had done, Eyeball chuckled slightly.
'Well he's not ever gonna get that back is he?' Eyeball remarked.
'Nope' Ace replied, a strong smirk on his face.

As the two walked around the street corner, somebody else did too at the opposite direction, consequently bumping into Ace.
Ace felt a cold, thick liquid spill down on him. As he looked down he saw the bright red smoothie covering his black t-shirt. Eyeball gasped quietly for a second.
'Fuck!' Ace exclaimed still looking down at the dripping, red smoothie.
'I'm so so sorry' a girl's voice said.
'Why don't you just watch where you're going and mind the fuck out of my way huh?' Ace angrily said, lifting his head up, now making eye contact with the girl.
Her eyes were dark green and doe-like. They were wide with surprise at Ace's comment, it was clear she didn't really know what to say next. Ace took advantage of these few seconds to take in her full appearance. Her lips were full and her nose was slim. Flowing just past her shoulders, the girl's hair was dark brown and wavy. For clothes she was wearing a pale blue house-style dress which stopped just below her knees. The girl carried a large shopping bag filled with groceries in one arm and  in the other the empty cup which had had the smoothie in.
'Like I said, I'm sorry' she began 'no need to be such a jerk'
And with that she started walking forward, away from the boys.
Eyeball and Ace quickly shot glances at each other followed by Eyeball mouthing 'wow', obviously pointing out her good looks. Ace knew he couldn't let a girl so beautiful just walk past him. Especially when a member of the Cobras was with him, he had to set an example.

Walking fast, Ace caught up to the girl in a matter of seconds and grabbed her cup-holding arm. Eyeball came a few seconds after, standing beside Ace.
'Hey, where you going in such a rush?' Ace asked.
The girl scoffed, 'you just basically told me to get lost and now you want me to stick around?'
'Listen sweetheart, whatever I said back there was just heat of the moment. Now, how come I've never seen you before?' Ace itched closer to her, a smirk forming on his face.
'I just moved here last week, haven't really left the house apart from today' she said, slowly backing away.
'So then new girl, what's your name?'
'Elizabeth, Elizabeth Williams'
'Kind of a long name, maybe I'll just call you a nickname. Like Lizzy or Liz' Ace grinned
'Wow, you are the first person to ever shorten my name down. How original and unique you are.' Lizzy sarcastically smiled.
'Ooo, I'm not liking this tone. Are you Eyeball?'
'Disgraceful' Eyeball commented.
'You're called Eyeball?' Lizzy asked him, looking amused.
'Well, that's not my real name, obviously, but it's what people call me'
'And what do they call you?' Lizzy turned back to Ace 'fingernail?' She let out a small laugh at her own joke.
Ace smirked before telling her 'It's Ace actually, Ace Merrill'
'Ace and Eyeball...interesting names'
'Well we're interesting people, so it's best to stay on the good side of us. Just a bit of advice' Ace said, leaning in closer to her.
'Thanks, I don't have the guide on what to do and what not to do around "interesting" people so that's very helpful indeed'
'There you go again with that sarcastic tone'
'It really has stop' Eyeball added, smiling.
'Tell you what, why don't you come hang out with me for a bit huh? To make up for you acting so bitchy' Ace suggested before moving closer to her so that their faces were only inches apart.
Lizzy laughed, 'no thanks, I'm busy, very very busy schedule'
'Busy doing what?'
'Well, you see, I've got to do a few more jobs in town for my parents then take these groceries back home then help make dinner then eat the dinner. Just jam-packed I'm afraid'
'Mmm' Ace nodded, 'Well, I'm sure you can fit me in somewhere'
Turning her head to the ground, Lizzy scoffed. She lifted her head up, looking into Ace's eyes.
'No I can't because this' she said gesturing to her and Ace, 'this would never work. I can already tell that you're a bit of a hooligan and I'm a good girl. We just don't mix'
'A hooligan?' Ace said, smirking.
Lizzy nodded her head in agreement.
'And what makes you such a good girl, huh?'
'The fact that I have to be' Lizzy's tone turned much more serious and her eyes  shifted towards the ground, dull with expression.
'Anyways' Lizzy began, snapping out of her very few seconds of dazing away, 'you still have my strawberry smoothie all over you, you should probably go get changed or something' She smiled, afterwards turning around and walking away.
Ace looked down, seeing the smoothie still splattered all over his top. He had totally forgotten about the whole smoothie-spilling incident. All that was in his head was that he had to get closer to Lizzy...

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