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Tucking her freshly curled hair behind her ears, Lizzy made her way downstairs. It was nearly 2:30. Ace would be here any minute.
'I better head out now' she said peering in to the kitchen.
Her mother washing up the dishes from their lunch while her father read today's newspaper on the table.
'Okay sweetie' her mother smiled, a strand of hair dangling down on her forehead, 'have a nice time'
'Will do' Lizzy smiled back, turning to walk away. In all fairness, she wasn't sure if she was going to have a nice time or not. She wasn't sure what to expect. But to her Mom and Dad, no matter what, she would tell them she had a nice time. It's not like they knew where she was really going anyway.
'Elizabeth' Said her Dad, calling her back in, 'home by 6, not a moment later' he said firmly
'Yes dad' she sweetly said before turning, walking away from the kitchen and out of the front door. Anything to keep him happy.

Outside the sun was shining brightly and warmly, heating Lizzy's skin, only a slight breeze whistling through her hair. It was surely 2:30 by now. So where was Ace? What if he wasn't coming? What if this had all been some practical joke? It had seemed a bit strange for someone like Ace to be into someone like Lizzy and now it all made sense.   As Lizzy shamed herself for being so stupid, even though it was only one or two minutes past 2:30, she began to turn around to walk back inside. Suddenly, Lizzy heard the loud sound of a car speeding coming towards her which made her turn back to face the road. It was Ace's car. He had actually came. Stupid wandering mind, Lizzy muttered to herself, walking further towards the road. Except it didn't seem like he was going to stop and park before her house like she had told him to do. No. Looks like he was coming in to park right in front of her house, where her parents would have a perfect view. Great.

Running fast, Lizzy directed herself towards the now parked car.
'Hey bab-' Ace called as she opened the door to the passenger side.
'Drive' she told him, climbing into her seat.
'What?' He asked, sounding slightly confused at her haste.
'Drive!' She exclaimed, her eyes wide, And at that Ace slammed his foot down on the pedal, making Lizzy's head jerk back slightly.
Looking back, it didn't seem like her parents had saw. Just because you don't see them doesn't mean they didn't see you, she thought to herself.
'Jeez, what was all that about?' Ace calmly asked after a couple seconds had passed.
'I told you not to park right in front of my house, my parents could have seen you' Lizzy told him, a serious expression planted on her face.
'What's the big deal' he shrugged, his attention on the road.
'I told them I was going to hang out with some girl friends, that's the big deal. My Dad would flip if he found out I was lying' she shook her head slightly in disbelief that she was actually disobeying her father.
'Oooo' Ace sounded, looking at Lizzy with an amused face, 'lying, guess you're not that much of a good girl after all, huh?'
'Shut up' she told him, imitating a punch to his shoulder, making him smile a little.

Soon enough they were at Ace's, driving round back where there was another car and the rest of the The Cobras. They were gathered around sitting on stools, cigarettes in their hands or mouths, beer bottles scattered everywhere.
Ace parked up so the back of his car was facing the boys.
'Come on' he told Lizzy with a small smirk before stepping out of the car.
As Lizzy got out of the car, she held back a bit to see where Ace was going as she didn't know where to put herself. She felt unbelievably out of place here but at the same time it felt kind of nice. A change from her life. Something new. Sure, She was slightly worried. It was a bit Intimidating being brought into a group of boys she didn't know. Especially since they were these boys. But she was here now so she'd just have to wait and see how things went she supposed...

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