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Some major cussing

You and the one and only Austin Mahone yes Austin Mahone have been dating for about 2 and a half years.

But things started going downhill a couple of weeks ago.

You two would fight about the stupidest and littlest things.

But this time you both went way too far!

~Austin's POV~

I just got home from the studio and Y/N wasn't here well at least that I knew of.

I walked into the kitchen yeah scratch what I just said.

Y/N was sitting at the island writing one of my songs since she's my writer.

"Hey baby" she says to me yet I said nothing back. I really just wanted to be left alone.

I walk to the fridge to grab some water then walked back out.

~Y/N's POV~

When he didn't answer me I didn't care really he's been doing that to me.

"Yeah what ever just leave me the fuck alone good bye" I hear as I walk out of the kitchen to go upstairs.

"Babe everything okay?" I ask but of course no answer.

"Well fine don't answer me" I mumbled but he heard me.

"You know what y/n just shut up already you don't need to know everything about my life" he yelled at me as he walked up to our room.

"PMS" I mumbled and chuckled then yelled back "all I did was ask if everything was okay and said hey baby earlier yet you can't fucking answer me!? How is that getting all into your damn life please tell me"

"You know what y/n why should I tell you everything you don't even know most of my life anyways you always say you do yet you know what nothing about me you're just a slutty whore that wanted to get with me." He yelled back.

At that point he went too far. I walked down the stairs grabbed my keys and walked out to my car and just sat in there for about 10 minutes until I could control my crying then started the car and just drove.

About three hours later I head back home hoping everything's going to be okay.

When I get there all lights are off but it's only 9 so he must be out back.

Oh well I really don't care at this point. But anyways I head upstairs to the room we share.

Right as I walk in I see him laying on the floor with tears all down his face but I really didn't care.

I grabbed some clothes and my towel then went into the guest bathroom and took a nice warm shower that I really needed at this point.

After about 40 minutes I get out and get dressed to go to sleep but I'm not sleep in the same bed as him.

I walk back into the room where I see him sitting on the bed looking at a picture of us.

"Y/N" he says to me without looking over

"Look I'm sorry and I didn't mean anything I said to you when I called you a slutty whore I regretted it right when it came out of my mouth I knew it shouldn't have happened and about me changing yes I know I need to and I will just be with me and don't leave me I don't want to loose you I love you and only you nobody else" he says as he stands up at the end and comes up to me.

~Nobody's POV~

Austin walked up slowly to you and was about 3 inches away from your face.

"I'm sorry baby I didn't mean it" he said to you as he got an inch closer.

You broke the apartness and kissed him as he kissed you back.

You and him pulled back at the same time and he said "I love you Y/N and I always will baby"

"I love you too" you said back to him as he pecked your lips.

You and him stayed up for about 4 more hours which it was about 3 until you fell asleep just talking cuddling and watching TV.

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