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Jinwoo was laying on his stomach on the ground while listening to music,  glancing up at Dongjun, who was working on his laptop probably composing a song.

"Hyung," I said while putting out my earbuds looking up at him I sight as he didn't turn around, I wanted him and the other members to know I was a hybrid yet I was afraid they wouldn't like it and kick me out of the group and maroon entertainment.

So I kept quiet and hidden, whenever I changed in my form i hide way underneath my bed or somewhere in the closet even when they searched for me, I kept quiet and didn't move.

Well till today, it felt like my other side wanted to come out I hadn't a change to hide and changed into my other form I made a small sound, now Dongjun looked up and yelled loudly bringing the other rush into the room.

My tail twitched knowing they didn't knew I was the animal in front of them I hideaway underneath the bed till I heard that Prince called my name, I peeked out noticing them look around forgetting a brief moment about me.

Dongjun suddenly looked at me and crunched down and put out his hand and came out he petted me softly lifting me.

"Jinwoo, are you this fox?" He asked me looking at me he made a sound who the others squealed what made me jump.

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