I glanced at Pope and he seemed to get what I wanted. He stepped back and inched towards the door. He faintly repeated the same word no. My grin turned wicked as I closed in on him then opened the door, waving him to come. I started out the house and went to a local baker.

     "Would you like to try my newest addition to my exotic flavoured drinks?" I asked him with a hint of a white lie. I saw Pope shaking his head urgently and I flashed him a glare. He cowered back and I turned back to the baker.

     "Yeah, uh..." I stepped forward as he mirrored me. "No thanks, witch. I am just fine without my skin getting burned off." With that, he closed the door, keeping me from him.

     I frowned. I wasn't going to burn his skin. I was just gonna see if he turned into a chameleon or into a flower. I raised my brow to Pope and he put his hands up in surrender than pointed like a mime. I looked over, the oldest trick in the book tricking me, and he started to sneak away, then I rolled my eyes and grabbed him by the arm. "Come on," I grumbled to him and started back to the house. A question hung to me like a disease, or like Pope.

     I stalked into the house and Pope leaned onto the table with a smirk for once. I glared at him and he didn't seem afraid anymore. Something made him realize I wasn't going to hurt him, just threaten him which I couldn't even threaten him if he knows I won't kill him. Damn. 

     "You know," He started. My head perked up in interest at his change of tone. It's not playful, more amusing and sinister. "It could've worked, if you had the right garments."

     I rolled my eyes. "One: I don't wear garments, and two: what do you mean if I had the right clothing?"

     He sighed. "You look like a small hooker," Admitted the very brave dancer. "And most witches are hookers, so maybe.. if you changed your outfit, you could pass as a noble."

     I considered his plan. It was worth a try. But did I really look like a hooker? I snapped, muttering a spell and a magic mirror appeared in front of me and no, it did not say anything, it was a regular mirror. I looked at myself in it.

     I wore a tight button up that was crossed and tied in the back that was black and showed my stomach. My skinny jeans were loose on me slightly, but still showed I had huge thighs and a fat ass. Last I checked, I was 5'2 and weighed 113lbs. I was small for being just a year younger than The Queen, but I didn't try to be tall, or look nice. I just were comfortable things that fit snug on my body. My hair was such a dark brown, I considered it black and I watched the last third of my hair that was blond sway as I tilted my head. I gazed into my own eyes. They were mostly green, but they were hazel and went back and forth between green and blue and sometimes a mix. Bags were under my eyes from sleepless nights and I looked over at my hair style. All came to one side and a small part of it was shaved. It sometimes fell into my face, so I wore a cap backwards. I looked fine. I didn't look like a hooker.

     "I look fine," I reported. "I could pass as a noble now. We're all a bit western here. This is the western Kingdom after all."

     Pope snorted then laughed. "You look like you just came from the radio in the Western Era." He got off the table and grabbed my wrist, pulling me to the outside. I went to object, but he had already gotten to a stand. He started talking to the owner. He purchased some earrings.

      "This is stupid, Pope," I groaned. He corrected me on his name, saying it was Elliott and I rolled my eyes. He talked to another person and I commented, "It's like, 9:30, we need to get to the house. We have till at least 11 o'clock."

     He hushed me by saying, "Hush, Jordan," and continued talking to the saleswoman. He got a white button up for a deal of 299 yen which wasn't that much, but come on. Almost three hundred yen? The shirt was originally 2,000 yen. Holy fuck, how? Magic? The dancer had a charm. Wow.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09, 2018 ⏰

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