01|The Queen Comes to Visit

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THE LOAF OF BREAD was fucking testing my limits. It was just laying there with a crust of a dead man's skin. On the old, wooden table, a chair at the table, taken out slightly as if someone had been sitting there, gotten up, and never pushed in there sear. Of course, the only person who had been here in this house was me, myself, and I. But I was still perplexed.

The loaf had a chunk taken out of it and it was already becoming moldy. I had not touched it since putting it down and doing my potion. The fridge also was left open, I just realized. Someone had been here, obviously, but whom? It could not have been an adult, fore I would've heard them. And no child would dare sneak into this house unless they were Goldielocks. It must've been a bet from one of the teenagers. How would the bread have gotten moldy though? It had just been bought less than twelve hours ago. I probably only spent three hours in the room.

I sigh escaped my lips as I turned from the courner I had leaned on to watched the scenery for almost half an hour. I checked my pocket watch and saw the time, 6:17PM. Just enough time to get what I need and go. I can last without bread until tomorrow, but the potion must be created tonight at nine sharp.

Turning on my heel, my breath hitched at the thought of that sneaky dance guy who had been walking around lately. He was so intent on trying to figure out my name, my.... Wow. He's a stalker. I could use him for the ritual though. That would work.

Laugh, laugh, laugh. The laugh was loud through the whole ole' grandma house. The house was abandoned, so no one should dare to come in. If they got past my protection spells, they could get past more than that.

I took out a potion that was strapped onto my belt of multi-coloured flavoured liquids. I pull off the cork with my teeth and spit it out with a smirk. "Ha, ha, ha," I mimicked. "I hear you, you indecipherable acorn. You can come out. Is it the dancer?"

A voice came from behind me and I splashed that way as they said, "No, no. That's the guy who took your bread, that theif." The voice is feminine and I can't help up let the hairs on my neck stand up. I heard the liquid subtance fall to the ground shortly after my tense up and I turn, knowing the intruder is not where they were anymore.

"So you did mess with the bread?" I questioned, narrowing my eyes. "You will get the thread." Lashing out my faintly coloured blue, whip that looked like a huge piece of thread. I am famous for such a thing, but even more for my flight. Not that I show off flying like a show off.

A different voice, more playful and childish, came into play. "Haha, you little girl," He tsked. "This dancer is not going down so easily. I will get the rest of the-!" I had lashed out at where I thought was coming from and there went a bright red slash as it fell to the ground. I got him. Great.

He did not move from the ground as a giggle almost erupted from beside the body. The female stepped into the light as I almostvseang at her, but dropped it immdeiately as I realized whom it was. The Queen.

I wasn't exactly loyal to anyone, but The Queen knew I had been doing some "illegal things" in hope of bringing someone back. I was just wondering why her, of all people, came to see me when I was in the middle of creating my potion. Nonetheless, I did bow, apologizing. Her ranks were high, I needed to respect her, or off with my head and I won't be able to bring myself back.

The Queen, as usual, wore all black except for her cape which lined with gold. Her shirt was a tank top, yet she wore black skinny jeans. She was not exactly the "royal" type. But, she ruled perfectly. She mothered everyone and everything, keeping her Husband from killing the innocent. Yes, I was looking at you, King Bill. Anyway, she did not wear a crown upon her head, and her short hair was went to her chin was dyed red and all but strands of hair to keep in her hair stayed.

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