Chapter XV: The Lands of Winter

Start from the beginning

"I think my choice is clear Sire," Sammi says straightforward as she stands back up.

"Excellent choice. I want you see into the future and tell me what you see," Xivaac orders.

"Yes Lord Xivaac," Sammi obeys.

She lets her mind go blank and the silver tiara glows white. In a matter of seconds, Sammi feels lightheaded and almost like she is sinking. Flashes of white light fills her vision as she closes her eyes tight.

~Drayk and Roku are sitting around a campfire. A giant fish is on a spit over the flames. The words they are saying are fuzzy and cannot be made out.


The remains of Froz are gathering snow in the endless blizzard. Roku is walking ahead of Drayk as they enter palace ruins. As soon as they walk in, the sight of Karleigh standing in the center of the foyer surprises the Bringers of Hope.


Roku is sprawled out on the floor covered in slash marks and blood. She is trying heal herself while Drayk is blasting the Mistress of Darkness with Storm Magic.


Sammi is standing in room that was given to her within the castle walls. Kraag is raising his voice, but is fuzzy like the voices before. He draws his weapon on her and she strikes with fire.


Xivaac starts throwing the furniture about in his chambers. Rage has taken over the Dark Lord. He almost seems like he is stricken with sorrow. Is that possible for a deity?~

Sammi's head jerks for a moment as the images of the future dissipate. Her vision starts to get clear once again. Xivaac is standing directly in front of her, just a few feet away. A look of curiosity is written on the deity's face.

"It will take some time for me to make sense of what I have just seen. If you'll excuse me," Sammi states nervously and walks out of the room to meet Kraag on the stairs.

She shuts the door behind her and looks at Kraag with a smile. He looks back at her in shock that she is dressed the way she is. Xivaac had made an offer she couldn't refuse and he consumed her. She is now an Elite. Sorrow overcomes him for a second then he snaps out of it.

"Lemme show you to your new quarters Lady Samantha," Kraag gestures to walk her down the many flights of stairs.

"Thank you General. Much appreciated," Sammi smiles, "I have much to think about before I speak with the Dark Lord again."

Meanwhile ~

Light casts over the border between Wind and Ice. The edge of the sun shines above the horizon with a warming orange glow that fills the eastern sky. Smoke begins to flow from the stone chimney attached to the wooden cottage. Drayk steps out onto the porch while taking a deep breath. He stretches his muscles while enjoying the morning warmth. Roku soon joins his side with a big smile on her face. She seems to wake up every day with such hope and happiness. Drayk kind of envies Roku for this trait. To him, the reality of the world always makes him feel neutral.

"Good morning Roku," Drayk greets her with a forced smile.

"Morning Drayk! Do you mind if we wait till after breakfast before we head out?" Roku asks outright.

"Of course. It's not every day one meets the mother she never knew."

"Thank you Drayk."

Before Drayk can say anything, a faint whisper fills the air. The words are spoken so softly that they cannot be made out. The sound gets louder, but it is kind of hazy. It begins to focus and words can be heard clearly now.

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