Chapter XV: The Lands of Winter

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The skies are glowing red in these lands. Part of the world that has been lost over time. The land the Red Mages once called home, Ragnarok. Now it is nothing more than the Land of the Elites. Xivaac's enormous castle is built along the ruins of the capital city, whose name has been forgotten to time. Sammi marvels at the height of the towers. They seem to disappear into view before one can see the top. Instinctively, she knows this has got to be the domain of the God of Darkness. The smell of death and burning rock fill the air. Kraag has been keeping to himself this entire trip from the labyrinth. Is it because she had physically aged four years in what seemed like a few seconds to Kraag?

"We're here. You will soon be meeting with the Dark Lord," Kraag finally speaks.

"Alright. To be honest Kraag.... I'm a little nervous," Sammi admits bashfully.

"It's understandable that you are kid. It's not every day a mortal gets to see the great deity. I was nervous too when I first met Xivaac. Even after all these years."

"It's not about seeing him that makes me nervous.... it's the torment of not knowing if I'll be able to leave here of my own free will or not."

"Sammi. No need to think like that. Xivaac gives you his word you can leave at anytime you wish. No questions asked."


As soon as Sammi looks up the staircase that spirals up into the unknown, her jaw drops open. She can't help but say, "Holy shit that's a long way up."

"Yeah! I'd be lying if I told you aaaany different," Kraag jokes.

Sometime later ~

The top is finally drawing near. Never in her life has her legs burned so much. Sammi feels like a zombie by the time they reach the top floor. It seems like the Dark Lord has to be as high above the mortals as possible. She is simply too tired now to be nervous anymore, until the door to his chambers open.

Sammi locks up stiff with fear at the sight of the God of Darkness. His pale white skin shows bright against his dark clothing. The darkness in his eyes is enough to make Sammi feel weak at her knees. The numbness makes her drop to the floor. Almost like her legs just decides to not work anymore. Her chest feels tight and she finds herself struggling for air. This being has so much rage that it radiates in the air, making it feel cold.

"Samantha Kirkwood," Xivaac starts, "I was almost surprised you actually accepted my gift."

"I'm like my father and my brother. Great power interests me," Sammi smiles.

"I know. Kraag," Xivaac commands, "Go wait in the stairwell."

"Yes Sire," Kraag states as he leaves the room.

Sammi walks over to a desk and sits down in the chair. Her eyes cannot help but stare at this tyrant deity before her. It's because of this god that this world has suffered so much loss. The planet of Gaia is grieving for the loss of so many lives. Thoughts of how much the balance has suffered because of the lost deities race in Sammi's mind. The nervousness she had been feeling soon vanishes and her body is adjusting to the evil she feels coming from Xivaac.

"You have a choice to make mortal," Xivaac tells her, "You can join the Elites as my personal futureseer, or you can leave here and miss out on what you'll learn from me. You'll miss out at the chance to become.... an immortal. The choice is yours."

Instantly, Sammi knows what she wants to say, but her mind wanders to the possibilities of what she can learn. The thought if immortality intrigue her as well. All thoughts of her brother slip away. She is only focusing her attention to becoming an Elite. These thoughts consume her mind. Sammi stands up, then soon falls to her knees in pain. Hatred and darkness begins to overtake her. Her body is covered in a black transparent aura. Her eyes glow red and her clothes start to change. Her mother's robes grow black in color and the Fire crests turns into the crest of the God of Darkness.

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