"Yes you can."


I opened my eyes and inhaled sharply. The sight before me was simply breath taking. We were currently standing on a bridge which was above a beautiful stream. The air smelled so clear and pure. The murmuring and rushing of the lake was soothing to my ears.


"Amazing? Beautiful? Bewitching?"

"Yeah. All of that and practically every synonym of the word 'beautiful' in the thesaurus."

"I knew you'd love it. It's your kind of place."

I smiled and just observed my surroundings, trying to save each detail to memory.

"So.....you have a lot of explaining to do."

"Way to ruin the moment, Matthews."

"Oh, don't you try to change the topic, Hart."

"Ok what do you want to know?"

"Why did you get so mad at me? Why haven't you been eating since weeks? Why do you hate me so much?"

"OK, I don't hate you. I despise you."


"Do you remember when we were six? And your family was invited for a brunch at our place? Well you were acting like such a spoilt brat. Mom had sent us to play outside. I was wearing my favourite pink dress that day. You said that the colour pink was gross and pushed me into the mud."

I shuddered at the memory. I never wore the colour pink after that day.

"Then another time, during kindergarten I was minding my own business, playing with my dolls when you and your friends came in. You guys laughed at me and snatched my doll. Then you cut all her hair off with a pair of scissors."

That was the worst day of kindergarten.

"Then a few years back, I heard you and your friends talking about my family. You said we were so poor and had low standards. That was the last straw for me. That's when I really believed that I hated you."

"Ella I'm so sorry. About everything. I'm feeling like such a dickhead right now. If I could change what I did in the past, I would."

"It's okay Ryder. Now I don't eat because......because.......at times I feel like I'm not perfect and like people want me to be. I'm not perfect and I can't do anything about it. I want to change myself and if I had the chance I would. 'Cause just look at me, I'm just a big failure. I'm not pretty or rich or worthy. I want to be strong and beautiful. I want to be like most girls."

"Look at me, Ella."

I stared at the water.

"Look at me."

I stared at his green eyes. How had I never noticed how beautiful and deep they were. So deep that you could just fall in. He pulled a strand of my hair behind my ear and cupped my cheek.

"You are the most beautiful, most talented and the most amazing girl I have ever met. And if people don't see that they are all big idiots. You shouldn't change yourself for other people. You are imperfectly perfect and I wouldn't have it any other way."

I don't know why I did it. Maybe I was too emotional. Or maybe it was the fact that nobody's words had ever made me feel as special as his did. But I hugged him tight. He was surprised at first. His sharp intake of breath gave him away. But then he hugged me back, his arms tight around me and I felt safe and better since my dad died.

I let go of him and smiled. 

"Thanks Ryder."

"I'm just stating what's true."

We stood there for a while and watched the sunset. It was such a mesmerizing sight. Have you ever had that moment when you wished you could stop time and stay in it forever? Well that sunset was one of those moments. It was truly the most beautiful thing I had ever seen. 

"Hey now that we've moved over the past and stuff is there a chance that we could be......um......friends?"

I snorted and bit my lip to stop myself from laughing. But I couldn't hold it and I started laughing like crazy. He frowned at me first but slowly it melted and turned into a breathtaking smile.

"You're so awkward sometimes." 

"Oh, come on. Is that a yes?"

"Mmm hmmm."


"Yes. Friends."


So how did you like the chapter? I'm sorry if the grammar is weird or other stuff because I wrote this on my phone. I hope you liked it and I might not update till June because final exams are near. I'm really sorry guys. So so very sorry. I'm not worthy of your forgiveness. 😭😭😭

Adios amigos! 😩😩😩

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