Chapter 1

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Ella's POV 🎧🎤

So wake me up when it's all over 

When I'm wiser and I'm older

All this time I was finding myself

And I-

"UGHHH!!!" I groaned in frustration and turned off my alarm.  I liked to listen to Avicii but hearing his songs at 7:00 in the morning makes me want to tear my hair out in vexation. Let me tell you like some or maybe most teenagers, I am NOT A MORNING PERSON. I like to sleep in late. Mornings are like an enemy to me. And my biggest enemy: Monday mornings. Today was a Monday morning and to make matters worse, it was the first day of senior year. My only thought was:  Oh boy. Today is not gonna be a good day.

Anyways I stretched myself and staggered to the bathroom to take a warm shower. The warm water was soothing on my skin and woke me up. Then I wrapped a towel around myself and started looking for some clothes. Unlike most teens I wasn't excited for senior year. I just wanted it to be over as soon as possible. 

I took out a T-Shirt and blue jeans. The word 'Nerd' was printed on the front of my shirt.                          'Huh totally matches my personality. How ironic.' 

I also wore my father's black hoodie. It was quite big on me but it was cozy and made me feel that a part of him was still here. Thinking about him brought tears to my eyes.                                       Stop it Ella. No crying. At least, not now.  Oh I almost forgot! My glasses. I put them on and stared at the mirror. My blue eyes stared back at me. Sometimes I wondered why mom and dad used to call me 'star'. They said it was the sparkle in my eyes, but when I looked at them I saw nothing. No sparkle. No happiness. Nothing. Whenever I smiled it never reached my eyes. I tied my light brown hair into a messy bun and went downstairs for breakfast.

"Mmmmmm.....Mom what's for breakfast?" I asked. 

"Good Morning to you too, dear." She replied.

"Pancakes!" I shrieked in delight and started devouring them.

"Thiimzing" I said with my mouth full.

Mom laughed and said, "No talking while eating."

"Whatever," I said and rolled my eyes, focusing on my breakfast. Mom sat down next to me and observed my behaviour. I looked up from my plate and raised my eyebrows.

"You know, Ella it's the first day of senior year. You should make new friends before you leave for college. It's your last year in High School after all. Try to be social. What about your singing skill? People would love to hear your voice. " She advised.

"Mom we've talked about this. I don't want to sing in front of everyone. It makes me feel uncomfortable. I'm okay on my own. I don't want the spotlight. And there is no need for me to be social. I have Katie and I am happy with her." I argued.

Mom sighed. She knew I won't listen. "Just think about what I said. And your father always wanted you to keep singing and be famous one day. I am going to get ready for work now. Have a good day, sweetheart."

I just gave her a tight smile in return. We didn't mention dad that much. In fact we rarely mentioned him. And if we did it was always something serious that caused it. I quickly cleared the table and left the house. I looked at our neighbors house. Oh Did I forget to tell you? My room and our neighbour's son's room was right opposite to each other. With the distance of only half a metre. Sometimes I felt really creepy while changing in my room. After one last glance I started walking to school.


East view High School was like any other typical high school. With all those nerds, jocks, populars etc. Though I always wondered why it was called East View. It's not like it was on the East. Or maybe it was. I dunno.

When I entered I was immediately attacked by someone. Katie. She gave me a bone crushing hug. "OH MY GOSH!!! ELLA I MISSED YOU SO MUCH. THE SPAIN TRIP WAS SUPER BORING. OH I'M SO EXCITED. IT'S SENIOR YEAR. OUR LAST YEAR OF HIGH SCHOOL. THEN THERE WILL BE COLLEGE. OMG. OMG. I AM-" she screamed excitedly until I cut in.

"Can't-breathe-Katie" I gasped.

"Oh sorry," she gave me an apologetic smile. "But I've seriously missed you so much. I really didn't want to go to Spain. But my parents forced me to... " and she rambled on.

Meet Katie Collins. The IT girl of East View High School. She is so attractive and prepossessing that boys worship the floor she walks on. Girls beg to be friends with her. A.K.A my best friend. We've been friends since dad died. One day I started crying and I was in the bathroom trying to wipe my face. She caught me and comforted me a lot. Since then we are like sisters. Joined to the hip.

"And then we went to see the-" she stopped mid sentence and stared at something behind me. "What?" I asked. But she just pointed behind me. I turned around and saw him. 

Enter Ryder Matthews. The Badboy and the player of East View. Girls worship and kiss the floor he walks on. *Note the Sarcasm* He uses girls like tissues. You pick one up, use it, and then throw it away. That's his job. He is a troublemaker and a jock. 

He was about 6ft 1 inch tall and had brown hair and green eyes. Emerald green eyes. Today he was wearing black jeans, a tight white T-Shirt to emphasise his abs which girls think is so hot. Oh and let's not forget his signature leather jacket. He wore it everywhere. Oh I also forgot to mention Ryder is my next door neighbor. The son of the founder of New York's most famous company. Though they can afford a mansion  if they want to, they still live in a house. It's not small but no that big too. They were a good friend of my parents. You think that if my parents were friends we were too, right? Well you're completely wrong. We loathed each other. I didn't know the reason, but we just did.

Katie looked at me and squealed as if she was a kid who was going to Disney Land for the first time. "He's looking at you." She whispered excitedly.

"Nah. He's looking at you." I replied nonchalantly.

"No, he's definitely looking at you." She said. I sighed in exasperation and turned around again. His green eyes met mine and we stared at each other. I immediately became mesmerised by the colour of his eyes. But the clicking of nearby heels broke me out of the trance.

The clicking of heels was none other than Natalie Prior. If Katie was the IT girl, Natalie was the queen bee. She was the whore of East View High. The girl who boys begged to be with. She must have dated the whole school at least. Also she acted as a bitch to everyone except her minions.

She headed towards Ryder and started kissing him on the lips and making weird noises. Ewwwwww.....PDA. I wanted to shout at them for doing it in public, but I kept quiet and scrunched my nose in disgust. When they pulled apart, his eyes met mine(AGAIN!) for a second and he smirked at my expression. He then winked at me and continued kissing Natalie.

Ughhh!!! I thought and pulled Katie's arm as a signal of going. She reluctantly obliged. And the bell rang. 'Today's gonna be a long day' I thought and sighed.


Hey Lovelies! 

Another update! And Ryder and the rest of the cast is FINALLY INTRODUCED!

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Until we meet again ...........😏😏😏

Hearing Her MelodyNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ