Hey Guys....

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Hey my lovelies. I wanted to inform you all that.....I think I'm going to delete the story.

Now don't get me wrong, I really appreciate all your reads and comments and votes. They all are very very very encouraging. I love you all so much. 😘😘😘

But.....the thing is that I have that problem when you know, you get an idea about a book and just write it but eventually you get bored or you think the plot is very very annoying and stuff. Well I think my story is going in the boring and annoying direction.

On the other hand though, if I delete this story I'll write a new one and this time it will be an arranged marriage story

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On the other hand though, if I delete this story I'll write a new one and this time it will be an arranged marriage story.

Please tell me if I should continue writing this. I'm conflicted.

 I'm conflicted

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Hearing Her MelodyDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora