The Stolen Breath

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          "Made yourself at home, I see?" Newt jumped at the sudden voice and turned around. In the doorway of the tiny room stood a young man. He was tall and muscular, with short cropped blonde hair and bright blue eyes. Very attractive? Yes. Newt's type? No. This gave Newt the tiniest sense of relief, knowing that neither he nor his roommate would have to be uncomfortable with his gayness.

          "Yeah, you must be Ben!" Newt said smiling at the boy. Ben's green university shirt was soaked with sweat and his chest moved up and down as he breathed heavily. "Did you go workout or something?"

          "Just a run," Ben stated "Have to get the training in for the track team." Newt couldn't help smiling to himself, even though he didn't run he loved watching the sport and all the hot guys running and sweating. (Haha relatable)

          "Actually, I was just on my way to meet up with a high school buddy who's also on the track team, you want to come with?" Newt looked around the room, all his stuff was unpacked and he had nothing better to do. Plus, it couldn't hurt to interact with actual people once in a while.

          "Sure," Newt agreed. He grabbed his key and phone and walked out with Ben.


         They didn't make much conversation, both boys taking in the glorious sites of their new home. They came to a stop near a set of stores and restraunts.

         "There they are!" Ben exclaimed as he pointed a two bobbing figures in the distance.

          They? Newt thought as he peered down the campus. He had been under the impression that they were meeting one boy. Two guys came into view. One was tall and muscular, with short black hair and a strong build. Newt couldn't see the other guy as clearly. Both boys came to a running stop infront of Ben. They had sweat stained shirts and were breathing heavily.

          Wow, thought Newt, does everyone around here do track? His question was soon answered

          "Newt," said Ben gesturing to the tall muscular kid, "This is Minho." The Asian boy gave Newt a warm smile and waved. "And this," Ben continued, "Is Thomas."

          A sturdy, brown haired boy stepped out from behind Minho. Newt's breath must have gotten caught somewhere between his lungs, because he simply could not breathe as witnessed the beauty of this boy. His brown hair was damp with sweat and fell into his eyes, but not enough to cover his stunning hazel eyes. As he smiled Newt couldn't help but stare at his perfect crimson lips, that were just begging to be kissed. Not to mention his body, that flawless atletic build. Newt could see right through his sweat soaked white t-shirt, which clung to his breathtaking abs.

          Stop, Newt told himself, You don't even know him, he's not even gay.

          "Hey," Thomas said with a grin.

          God, Newt thought, even his voice is sexy. The two boys stared at each other for a moment, neither one breaking away.

          "So..." Minho interrupted, "Shall we get this party started or what?"

          "I heard of this great pizza place called Fry's," said Thomas breaking his gaze from Newt, "it's run by a senior named Siggy, it's all everyone ever talks about." The other boys nodded in agreement, nobody would turn down the offer of great pizza.

          I would do anything you asked me to, Newt thought, staring at Thomas and biting his bottom lip. The four boys began walking towards the strip mall of stores, Minho and Ben taking the lead and Thomas and Newt falling behind.

          "So," said Newt, "You've known Minho since high school?"

          "Oh no," Thomas replied, "Ben and Minho were on track together in high school, I just met Minho when we became roomates and we're both in track." This gave Newt a sense of reassurance, knowing that he wouldn't be fourth-wheeling on a ot3. The boys walked in to the old-timey pizzeria and sat down at a booth. Ben and Minho naturally slid into one side of the booth, still talking about who-knows-what. This forced Newt to sit next to Thomas.

          The boys ordered a large pizza and they all munched away happily while chatting.

          "So Newt," Minho started, "Do you have a girlfriend?" Newt nearly choked on his pizza, unsure if he should make something up or tell the guys that he batted for the other team. 

          "I'm single at the moment," Newt replied. It wasn't a lie, but it also wasn't the whole truth.

          "What about you Thomas?" Newt asked nonchalantly, pretending to be more interested in his pizza.

          "Same as you," Thomas replied with a shrug. Newt's heart took a leap inside of his chest, and he wondered if the other guys could hear his heart start to beat faster. 

          "Except for Teresa," Minho said with a chuckle, "Thomas's crazy ex came pounding at our door today wondering why he didn't tell her he enrolled here." Newt was crestfallen,

           So Thomas was straight after all. Thomas nearly spit out his drink, his eyes widened and he looked to Newt as if expecting him to have a dramatic reaction.

          "Teresa is a nobody," Thomas said, "If I could get her to leave me alone, I would." Both boys locked eyes for  a moment until Newt turned back to his food.

          The rest of the night was enjoyable, but Newt had to constantly remind himself that Thomas was straight and that he had no chance. As the night came to an end, Ben suggested that they all trade numbers. Thomas gave Newt a small smile and handed him his phone. After Thomas had put his number into Newt's phone, he named the contact Tommy.

          "Tommy?" Newt asked with a grin.

          "Most of my really good friends have nicknames for me," Thomas said sheepishly, "and I can tell that we are going to be really good friends."

This chapter was also really short, but Newtmas finally met! Thank you guys for voting and Reading! Thank you toomanyshipstosail and doooweeedooo for commenting so much, your comments Light up my day. Whenever I was writing about Newt describing thomas I kept thinking about what my family would think if they read this 😂. I'll probably update again tomorrow, so that I have a few chapters established. I love you guys ❤.

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