Chapter 1

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"Violet! Violet! Letti!" I felt my shouldering being shaken, I moaned and shiffied my shoulder, still half a sleep.

"Letti come on wake up" I sighed and my eyes fluttered open. I sat up straight and stretched my arms, hitting something in the process.

"Ow" it stuttered in a British accent. I turned my head to face my British cousin.

"Sorry Panda" I said to the cheering blonde.

"Oh it's okay you were tired to you didn't mean it" she laughed

"Right" I said and faked a smile. Although I didn't mean to do it she deserved it for waking me up. You don't mess with my sleep.

I looked out my window to find we were surrounded by a bunch of semi houses that looked all the same, two floored and white.

We pulled up to the right side of one of the houses near the end of the street. There was no driveway so we had to park on the street. I climed out of the car and walked over to the trunk and poped it open.

I grabbed a couple boxs "can I help?!" Pandora said nodded at my duffle bag full of my clothes,she picked it up and threw it on her shoulder. We started heading towards the door until we heard someone call Pandas name.

Effys POV

I had been laying in bed until I heard a car door slam I jumped out of bed hoping it was my older brother Tony coming to visit me like he'd promised a month ago.

I went over to my window and to my disappointment it was just our new neighbours moving into the flat attached to ours. I stared at the burnette girl who got out of the car and was grabbing something's from the trunk.

She looked around my age, maybe younger. Nah I thought to myself as I stared at her tits, which were bigger than mine. "The bigger your tits the older you are I told myself"I sighed and was about to make my way back to my bed till I heard a formliar voice, I turned to see Panda talking to the girl.

They started walking to the door I opened my window before they were half way there. I need to know who that girl was and why my best mate was with her.

"Panda!" I called and they both looked up at me. I grinned.

Letti's POV

"Oh hi Ef!" Panda called up to the strange girl who had her head out of the window.

"Who's your mate?" The girl called

"Oh this is my cousin Violet, Effy!" Panada replied

I smiled "hello" I called. I guess this Effy girl was my new neighbour.

Effy laughed "you're not from around here are you" I shook my head

"No I moved here from LA"

"Oh an American girl huh?" I laughed

"Yeah I guess so" well Effy seems nice.

I looked over at Pandora who seemed squirmy. "Are you ok Panda?" I ask

"Yeah your clothes are really heavy." I laughed

"Alright then let's go put my clothes away then shall we?"

"Yeah bye Effy, I'll see you later at the club" Panda called to Effy and I waved. We walked to the front door and it swung open with my older sister Jasmine,smiling bright in the door way.

"Violet! You're here!" She called trying to hug me but the boxes I held stopped her from doing so.

" hey go put you're stuff away and then I'll hug you!" I laughed walking up the stairs

"Your room is on the left!" She said and I took a left turn. Panda behind me.

"Oh hi Panda" Jasmine called while Panda lugged my bag up the stairs.

"Hello Jasmine" Panda responded as she got to the top of the stairs and dragging the bag into my medium sized room. My bed had already been set up and there was also a desk too.

I put my boxes on the desk while Panda threw my duffle bag on my bed. My sister entered my room with the last boxes from the car and set them on the floor.

"What do you think?" She asked

"It's amazing! How did you set this up before got here? It's only been a week since you've been here!" I asked

Jasmine laughed "well since your brother has had free time while I was out looking for a job, I made him set it up." We all giggled

"Speaking of you're guys brother where is he?" Panda questioned, I was just thinking the same thing.

"He went to grab us some dinner, he'll be back soon"

"Oh okay" panda and I both said.

"Well I'll let you get unpacked then" Jasmine said and then walked out Into the hallway.

I unzipped my bag and started pulling out all my band tees, shaking them out so they wouldn't be so wrinkled.

"Hey Panda will you grab me some hangers?" I asked her

"Sure thing Vi" she paused for a second "I mean Letti" she corrected herself remembering that I prefer Letti because Vi is what my mom used to call me.

I felt my eyes start to tear up just even thinking of her. Panda set the hangers on my bed and say that I was upset.

"Hey I'm sorry Letti, don't cry I'm just so used to calling you that it slipped my mind." I nodded and wiped a tear away.

"It's fine Panda I'm just overreacting"

I slipped my Bring Me The Horizon T-Shirt on the hanger and handed it to Panda to hang in the closet.

"No you're not Letti, Both your mom and dad died and you were with them. It's perfectly fine to cry." I nodded trying not to think of that night.

My parents had died in a car accedent, i was in the car at that time as well but I had survived. Although I wish I didn't because when I looked at my mom and dad after the car had stopped rolling down the cliff we had be driven off of, I found my parents headless.

Another tear excaped my eye, landing on my Black Veil Brides sweater.

"I know what you need!" Panda exclaimed, I turned to her putting another band tee on a hanger "what Panda?"

"You should come to the club with me and Effy!" I shook my head finishing putting one of my non band tees on a hanger.

"Oh c'mon Letti, I'll introduce you to all my other friends like Thomas,Emily, Katie,Naomi,jj"

"But Panda I don't know them it will be awkward" I moved on to folding my jeans now.

"Letti you're new to this town you're going to need more friends then me"

I sighed, Panda was right. "Fine" I said.

"Yay!" Panda hugged me. I laughed and hugged her back.

I looked at my closet, it was pretty full now. I tapped my finger on my chin.

"What am I going to wear?".

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