Chapter 2

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"How about this?" I asked Panda coming out if the bathroom wearing the third outfit that I picked out

"Wow Letti I love it!"

I turned to my wall mirror and twist and turned. I looked good. I was wear my black crop top that said "normal is boring", ripped black skinny jeans, my combat boots and my skull earrings.

I smiled at Panda "so do I"

I grabbed my make up bag and added a little bit of golden brown shadow and some mascara. I dapped on some lip gloss and took another look in the mirror. Damn did I ever look punk.

I grabbed my iPhone and slid it into my back jean pocket. "Ready?" I asked Panda. She nodded and we walked down the stairs. I turned the corner to see my older brother.

"Jade!" I screamed and wrapped my arms around him.

He laughed "well hello little sis"

I left go of him to see a pizza box behind him.

"Pizza!" I screamed and ran to grab a slice. As I was downing my first piece I handed Panda a piece.

"So what are you guys doing tonight?" Jade asked

"We're going to a club" Panda said with her mouth full.


"Oh yes it's marvlous, speaking of the club we should get going now Letti" Panda grabbed my wrist as I downed my third slice.

I waved bye to Jade "don't tell Jasmine" I whispered and he nodded waving back. I loved my big brother.

We walked outside to find Effy waiting on the side walk.

"Hi Effs!" Panda greeted her. Effy had a blank stare on her face, she looked at me and cracked a grin.

"You have pizza sauce all over your face" I felt my cheeks flush as I quickly use my wrist to clean off the sauce.

I look at both of them. "Better?" I question and they both nodded.

We started walking towards a bus stop, I guess we were taking a bus there. We sat on the cold bench, Panda was babbling away about all her favourite songs and how she was hoping to she the guy she liked was there. Mean while Effy was busy smoking and looking at our surroundings and I fiddled with my phone.

After five minutes the bus finally arrived and we got on taking a seat near the back. Since Effy couldn't smoke on the bus she finally started listening to Panda babbling but I still fiddled with my phone. 'I should have stayed home' I thought to myself. I'm sure Panda and Effy would have been fine without me.

I heard a DING and snapped out of my thoughts. Panda and Effy stood up and started walking towards the exit, I got up and followed them onto the slightly cold England streets. I heard music pumping as I walked behind Effy and Panda we came to a stop at an old warehouse.

We went around the back to the fire exit and Effy pounded on the door. The door swung open and Effy walked in. I felt someone touching my hand I turned to see Panda. She gave my hand a little squeeze and she smiled pulling me into the building.

There were a bunch of lights flashing,people were grinding on each other and there was a bar. It was more than I was used too. Well I was only really used to mosh pits.

Panda pulled me threw the crowd until we came to some couches at the far side of the room. Effy was already there, sitting on a tanned guy making out with him. There was also twin red head girls, a blonde girl and a guy with really curly hair.

Panda walked into the center still holding me hand, she cleared her throat and everyone looked at her, even Effy and the dude she was making out with.

"Everyone this is my cousin Letti, she just moved here from LA. Letti this is JJ,Naomi,Emily,Katie, Freddy and you already know Effy" Panda pointed to each person.

I smiled and gave a little wave. "Hi"

Nobody said anything their jaws were just hanging open and they looked about and forth between Effy and I.

I raised my eyebrow "um what's going on?"

JJ cleared is voice "what's going on is you kinda look like Effy, except you're American, not as skinny I-I mean no offence and you're emo, unless you prefer something other than emo than you're that something else." He stated.

"Oh" I said in a whisper.

Freddy got up and set Effy were he was sitting. He looked at me.

"I'm going to grab some drinks for all of us, Letti do you want to help?" He asked me I nodded and walked with him towards the bar.

"Hey thanks for taking me with you" I called to Freddie over the music.

"You're welcome, I could feel you were getting uncomterable so I figured you would want to get away for a few minutes" I laughed

"A few minutes? I was ready to awkwardly fade into the crowd and leave." We both laughed. We arrived at the bar and Freddie ordered the drinks.

"Do you want anything?" He asked me. I shook my head.

"I don't drink" Freddie shrugged

"Suit yourself"

When are drinks were almost done someone was calling Freddie's name.

"Freddie mate!" The guy called. He had short brown hair and a little bit of muscle.

"Hey Cook" Freddie replied high fiving Cook.

Cook looked at me. "Hey mate who's this gorgeous girl and why haven't I met her" I blushed, back in LA the only complent I'd get was that my piercings were cute.

"Cook this is Letti, Letti this is Cook" Freddie said introducing us.

"Hey" I said

"Oh she's American too!" Cook said and I laughed nodding my head.

"Well then how about I buy you a drink?" Cook suggested. But again I shook my head telling him the same thing I told Freddie.

"I don't drink" he looked shocked

"C'mon, it's on me. Live a little." I looked over at Freddie

"Cook she said she doesn't drink" Freddie said and I gave him a thank you look.

"Alright I get it, you don't drink but at least have one shot of their easiest drink and if you don't like it, I won't bug you to drink with me again"

I thought about it. One drink, I could even spit it out and he wouldn't know. I sighed.

"Deal" I said and Cook laughed.

"There's the American girl!"

I looked over at Freddie he gave me a 'really?!" Look I shrugged.

"Freddie" someone called I looked over to see Effy, she was glaring at me.

"Oh hi Effy" Cook said turning around to face her.

"Hello Cook" she sighed. I guess she didn't like Cook.

"Freddie let's go everyone is waiting" Effy demanded and looked over at me giving me an even bigger glare than before.

"I'm coming, I'll see you later Letti" he started walking off with Effy but he turned around after a few steps.

"Oh and Cook, do anything stupid and your balls will be cut off" and Freddie contuined walking. Effy turned her head and I swear if looks could kill I'd be dead on the spot.

"Whoa what did you do to Effy?" Cook question sitting down next to me

I shrugged "I have no idea"

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