Dam Kidnappers

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Vincent's p.o.v

Vincent: Coco? Coco are you here? I just want to cuddle with you.
Coco: Really, thats the best you got to calm me down?
Vincent: I al least know you're safe still.
Coco: Do you really want to cuddle with me?
Vincent: Why wouldn't I? Your the best girlfriend i could ask for...... and because i'm just a little bit scared not to mention a little bit cold.
Coco: Okay..... okay come here.
*Snuggles with eatch other*
Vincent: What the hell happened here?
Wby: Ruby and (Y/n) is gone.
Vincent: Last place you seen (Y/n)?
Blake: Cafeteria.
Weiss: Training room.
Yang: The forrest.
Vincent: Wait were is Coco?
Wby: Looks like Coco is missing too.
Vincent: Dammit! We need to find (Y/n).

Rwby Charcter X male reader Side Story Is Coco X VincentWhere stories live. Discover now